Journey Well

Heart, Body & Soul

3 steps to greater health & happiness in midlife & beyond

The Christian life is a pilgrimage. At times the road is difficult, and we get lonely. Sometimes we may become discouraged and consider abandoning the journey. It is at such times that God will place a friend alongside us. One of God’s most precious gifts to us is friends who encourage us and lovingly challenge us to ‘keep going.’

According to Scripture,a friend is one who challenges you to become all that God intends.

A Multifaceted Approach for multifaceted beings

I offer 3 distinct areas of transformation because we are complex and multifaceted beings, our lives are a uniquely designed tapestry of experience, but when you bring healing to one area of your life, it automatically begins to spill over and improve all the rest!

So the only question is: where would you like to begin? Scroll down and choose.

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Your mental health reflects the renewing of your mind from the very deepest part of your heart – which for many of us is our personal and family stories of blessings, hardships, and obstacles overcome.  We often need help curating and knowing how to best preserve the photos and family histories.  Our hearts are encouraged and refreshed as these enrich our attitudes and become an integral part of our lives.

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Your physical health determines how well you move through your days. Don’t buy the lie that since you are past mid-life, poor health is inevitable. God created our body to heal itself, it wants to heal itself, and we can give it what it needs to heal itself in a natural and sustainable way with nutritional supplementation.

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Your spiritual health is impacted directly by how you resolve conflict in your relationships with others and in your relationship with your Lord. Sometimes we need a little help applying the biblical principles to our situation guiding us to the peace God intended us to have.

MEET CANDY: From ‘Surviving’ to Thriving in Her 70’s!

“…After I retired from my successful (but stressful) career as an attorney, I started to experience health problems. At the time, I just chalked up to old age. I was suffering, but thought there was nothing I could do about it, “that’s just the way things are”… but one day I met someone, who introduced me to something that completely changed my life…”


The secret to a happier and more vibrant life is to work on the most vital and foundational parts of your life together: body, mind and soul. Because when you heal one of these areas, that naturally spills over and begins to heal the other areas too, like a domino effect. The cool thing is these steps can be in any order you like! And you can pick and choose the steps that suit you best.

All you have to do is decide where you’d like to begin, or ask yourself what area needs the most help?

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