004 Intentionality Conquered Incontinence

Hi, Candy McCune here

I have heard from many of you (including males) that bladder control is an issue.  

This “health gem”, as one of you named my blogs, shares the details (graphic but true) that may provide you with the good results I had.  Even though almost half of all women leak urine at some point in their lives, men can have this issue, too.  I met a urologist yesterday who shared that male & female anatomy is the same with regard to the muscle control below the bladder affecting urine flow.

Before I go further, I have to put in a “health” disclaimer – if you are on a prescription drug, you should first check to see if incontinence is a potential side-effect.  I was not on any but be aware of that factor.  

In my early 60’s, I was crossing a street when a car suddenly turned a corner and was coming my way at an alarming speed.  I had to break into a jog to get across the street safely.  Yes…urine leakage left me embarrassingly wet.  Other similar situations made me afraid of physical exercise especially jogging – even though I trained for and ran a marathon in my earlier years.  I just accepted it as a sign of aging.

Then I mentioned the problem to my OB-GYN and he whipped out the Rx pad writing me a script to go to Physical Therapy!  I was surprised – I had never been to PT and was about to dismiss it as silly.  Thankfully, I didn’t. 

It was 6 weekly visits and I was diligent in following her guidance.   And I developed a habit which has worked extremely well for me.  (I will share that piece at the end) 

But you don’t have to pay for an Rx script, go to PT or spend any money – I am happy to share the info. 

First, I will warn you:  if you are not willing to be INTENTIONAL, and I mean by that, develop a daily routine that includes this, you don’t need to read any further.  It requires your making a decision to follow through on this – and not randomly, but intentionally and daily.

FIRST PART – the psychology of it all:  

  • Do you go to the bathroom every time you leave the house? Pass a bathroom? 
  • STOP Doing That!   You know where the restroom is in Target/Walmart/Grocery Store etc.  You are not allowing your bladder muscles to work, build and be strong.
  • Are you going to the bathroom every time you feel a slight urgency?
  •  STOP Doing That!  Wait until your urgency is at a level 2 or 3, not a 1.  How do you know?  If your flow is not lasting 7 seconds or more (count to 7 slowly), you are going too frequently.

Additional info for women:  if you are using a menstrual pad, change to an incontinence pad – they are different types of fluid and the latter type of pads neutralize acidic urine wicking it away from you.

SECOND PART – the Kegel routine:

  • A Kegel exercise is used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle. The PT instructor made sure I was doing a tight Kegel clench & release before we moved on.   If you don’t know how, here is a helpful website instruction:  
  • The PT had me working up to the following routine – and then commit to doing them daily. This is KEY – my doctor had over the years suggested I do them in the car at stop lights or during other down times, and I meant to, but it just was not consistent or enough.  So no results.  But the PT required it – and I committed to doing the routine.   You need to decide, right now – will I do this twice daily for the next 3 weeks?  If so, you are on your way…
    • 10 full clench-and-release Kegels in 10 seconds (yeah – 1 per second – you will have to work up to this as it is NOT easy)
    • 10 Kegels clenching for 10 seconds each then relaxing in between for 10 seconds
  • HELPS:
    • I got tired of counting & using my 10 fingers to track it – GET AN APP! I use Kegel Kounter but there are many out there.   Program it to the above routine (get a grandkid to help you set it up if you can’t)
    • Set the times you will do this and BE INTENTIONAL. Before I get out of bed in the morning, I grab my phone and hit the Kegel Kounter routine – it buzzes as it takes me through the routine so I don’t have to count (it’s a great time to pray for your friends and family – each time it buzzes I switch to praying for a different person/situation).  Other prime times:  as part of your bedtime routine; as you sit in front of the TV in the evening;  be creative but committed.
    • I recommend you create a way to track doing it twice a day for 3 weeks – visual. Reward yourself.  If you want a great start, do it 3 times a day, you can later drop down to 2.

FINALLY, the “working well” story I promised.  I am now 72 and have been doing the routine for some years and appreciating the bladder control I have gained back.  Recently I was with my sister after her surgery walking through the grocery check-out with her and since it was her first outing, she was a bit shaky—that concerned me.  She realized she needed an item we had left in the car.  I zipped out the door, and ran (yes, a jog-run) to the car, grabbed it, and got back to her quickly.  It hit me – I can run!  And no bladder problem – yahoo!   I also am not constantly going to the bathroom, or searching for one.  Neither do I get up at night just to go to the bathroom.  It has been great.

As your guide to better health, I pray this will be of help to you and you will have the same good results!

Please hit “reply” and let me know your feedback – I would love to hear from you!

Best regards for your health,


P.S. – I know you are busy and get way too many emails, so I will keep these weekly “gems” short and on topics you identify as important.  Your feedback and comments are important!

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