005 Part 1 of 3 A BIG MISTAKE [almost] EVERYONE MAKES

Our health is vital to our everyday lives, even those of us who have been researching and taking our health very seriously make 1 or all of these 3 mistakes on a regular basis! I know, scary right? Well, today we are going to address a big mistake people tend to make and what we can do about it!

So what is the mistake? ASSUMING that by eating “healthy”, you will, therefore, BE healthy. The average American’s idea of healthy food, I am sure, is to get your servings of vegetables and fruits every day and make sure to drink enough water. Well, it goes so much deeper than that!

“The problem in this day and age is that most people incorrectly believe that their bodies can be 100% properly nutrified just from eating food.  Nothing could be further from the truth.” from Attempt A Cure by Dr. Peter Glidden

We ASSUME that the food we eat has the nutrients necessary to provide us with the nourishment we need. But what we aren’t seeing is that our food isn’t getting the proper nutrients from the soil.

You need 90 nutrients in your diet every day.  You need 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids or protein building-blocks, and you need 3 essential fatty acids.  You need 90 nutrients in your daily diet, otherwise, you are going to get a deficiency disease.” Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and founder of Youngevity nutritional products.

Why do you need 90 nutrients 60 of which are minerals?  Linus Pauling has put it this way – “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”  Linus Pauling was a theoretical physical chemist who became the only person in the world to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes.

Even a U.S. Senate Document 264 says “99% of American people are deficient in minerals…–and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.” 

Now, I am sure you are asking, why don’t we get these in our food?!

It is pretty straight-forward –

  • plants root in the soil and get their nutrients from it
  • but the minerals we need are not in the soil
  • so the minerals we need are not in the food grown in the soil.
  • therefore, eating “healthy” food does not give our body the minerals we need.
  • Without the minerals, we end up with mineral deficiencies in our bodies [see above quotes again for the result]

According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, there has been an 80% mineral depletion in our soil in the last 100 years.  Having grown up on a West Texas farm, I can attest to the fact that the soils growing our food (and other crops) were growing crops every year, being depleted of minerals, and only 2-3 minerals were being put back into the soil – and only by the conscientious farmers in the years when they could afford to do it.  Usually nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 

But what about “locally grown” vegetables and fruits?   Let me answer with a question – how do you know what was in the soil which produced the “locally grown” food?  And there’s another problem in addition to the 80% mineral depletion in the last 100 years:  some minerals, like selenium, occur in striations or veins, like gold or silver.

As Dr. Wallach has pointed out “The odds of getting all the essential nutrients and all the essential minerals just by eating well is zero.  Here’s why…..In the same field, on one farm, for instance, row number one of a certain crop might have three essential minerals.  Row number five might have zero, Row number ten might have eight. [etc.….]  You have no idea when you are picking up produce at the local market which minerals were absorbed by each particular carrot or orange.”  (from Truth about Nutrition by Dr. Joel Wallach, p. 55)


If the essential minerals and nutrients don’t go into our body via our food, we need to get them into our body by adding nutritional supplements to our intake. 

If you are like me, you are overwhelmed by the amount of information, health tips, nutritional products for this and for that.  And I don’t want to spend hours a day (or even a week) trying to figure out what works for all the pieces and parts of my body and in what combination or quantity I need them or even attempt to remember things like needing magnesium to accompany calcium in order to be effective in our body. 

So that is why I am committed to being a guide for those seeking better health through nutritional supplementation.  I have had great results and I am committed to keeping the process simple but effective.  And I am focused on Dr. Wallach’s statement I have heard in so many of his lectures – “If we give our bodies the raw materials they need, we can heal ourselves.  The body can fix itself naturally when it gets everything that it needs.”

There is no “quick fix pill” but it may be easier than you think to plot your path to better health.

Stay tuned with me as I am putting the finishing touches on a resource for us all to guide us down our path to betterment.  

I have joined Dr. Wallach’s mission to help all of us live longer and in better health.  He applied all that he learned about nutrition and animal studies to humans and shares his knowledge freely.  We also have some other support experts we will turn to for help and direction. 

Please scroll down to the Comment section and let me know what is important for you to know as you think about your path to better health.  Your feedback is truly important!  And we will build on it!

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