010 Part 2: Essential Oils

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Part 1 was titled “Essential Oils are Like Riding a Bike” – my point was that you don’t learn to ride a bike just by reading about it, or listening to someone tell you about it, you have to get on it and ride it – you learn by doing.   Same with Essential Oils….

So today, in Part 2, we are getting on that “Bike” and riding it.


Here is what I did as I was first getting to know about essential oils and going through training.   I didn’t really think about them until I had an “issue” – and then my first step was to grab my “tool” that told me which oil was best for my issue.  That became my GPS for Essential Oils.

My best “tool” is the Foundational Aromatherapy book by Leiann King, Brenda Wright & Amanda Reynolds.   I have been in training with Brenda Wright and Leiann King and watched them on videos.  They are both authorized trainers for the Youngevity Essential Oils and are soooo knowledgeable. 

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If I am at home, the book is on the shelf.  If I am traveling, the book is on my Kindle.  If am out and about without those two sources, my next best tool is the App on my phone.  (iPhone people can get the Foundational as an app, us androids have to settle for a reduced info app)

The free reduced-size download of the book is available by going to Leiann King’s website and signing up for her newsletter – www.leiannking.com  

In the Foundational book, I go to the tab titled “Suggested Uses”   and start looking for my issue, for example, an upset stomach or nausea.   Here is what I find:    the concern, the list of various oils I could use and in the 3rd column, the various ways they can be applied. 

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OK, GI Purify is first on their list and I happen to have it.  I grab it.   I did not have a roller bottle, and I did remember hearing this mentioned at one of the trainings I attended and I was anxious to get rid of this stomach ache (I already know the end here – this is a true story) ….so I put a couple of drops on my bare stomach and rubbed them in a clockwise motion a few times.   By the time I pulled my clothing back down (and it is not “oily” so no worry about staining my clothes) re-capped the oil and put it away, then went back into the room where my guests were, the stomach upset was gone.  I was amazed.  Yep, GI Purify goes on all my trips with me nowadays.

Points I need to make –

 (1)  they recommend applications that are safe and probably if you have sensitive skin, you might have wanted to test it first if you are applying it “neat”, the word used for putting it directly on your skin.

 (2)  if you didn’t have GI Purify, you could go to Ginger, the next on the list, and I have learned it is a good one for motion sickness (another frailty of mine), etc.  Over time you will, just like bike-riding, get comfortable with using the oils and learning how they best work for you and which ones might be the smoothest “ride” for you. 

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There is so much more in this tool “Foundational Aromatherapy” – here is a 2-page spread that shows the information on the essential oil blend (EOB) named GI Purify. 

Surprise – look at the combo of oils in it – Ginger is one of them.  

You will notice the book puts singles together in a section and blends in another section.  The names of the blends are unique to Youngevity so you won’t find them at a store or in another company.  You will see them abbreviated as EO for singles and EOB for blends.

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Take a look at the page in “Foundational” on the single oil Ginger.  You get a lot more specific technical data on every single oil (EO).  

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But take a look at the “properties” of this one oil, Ginger, and remember the list I read you in Part 1 of this blog from Lemongrass.  A long, long list.  When you get your “Foundational” tool, do a tour of the single oils and see the many properties each of them have – lots of overlap.  So, if you don’t have one on hand that is recommended, see what you have on hand and check out their properties.

Soon, you super bike rider, you  —  you will have a core of oils that you have learned are your “go to” oils to cover the most common situations.  And you will have enough overlap in properties that you will be able to address whatever comes your way.

Another term you need to know – Carrier Oils (and not all of them are oils), so don’t be confused.

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Carrier Oils or Carriers help to “carry” essential oils that may be too potent to go directly on the skin and they dilute essential oils to cover large areas of the body.  In addition, they help make some of the oils safe for children that would otherwise be too strong applied directly, or “neat”.

There is additional help in delivery tools that will make using essential oils more practical and effective.

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I recommend you read the section at the end of our GPS tool, “Foundational Aromatherapy” titled Safety and Ethics.  The authors make the point that you should buy your essential oils from reputable sources to ensure they are not cut or thinned with substances that could be harmful.  They also affirm Youngevity is known for high quality.

            Youngevity Essential Oils are:

  • 100% pure essential oils
  • Organic, wild-crafted or ethically farmed
  • Produced with the highest standard of quality and safety
  • Free of additives, extenders or chemicals
  • Not derived from animal products or associated with animal testing

Youngevity is a member of NAHA (the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) – you can view those standards in the Foundational book – and strives to meet the EOBBD (Essential Oils Biologically and Biochemically Defined) standards.  The EOBBD is referenced by Leiann King and as she says “the most important proof is how the oils work for my family, and if the company strives to meet the EOBBD standards.”  

She makes the point that price is a terrible way to judge an oil because high-quality oils cost more, but the good news is that it requires only a tiny amount of a high-quality oil to create results—usually, 1 or 2 drops is all you need.

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NEED MORE IDEAS & RESOURCES ??  Here ya’ go…..

  1. https://youngevityrc.com/product-category/essential-oils/– the resource center developed by Youngevity has a blog and has stored the “Oils of the Month” handouts here used in the Aroma Share Club program. These have essential oil recipes (April has a “stinky shoe solution”, “muscle and joint rub”, “foot soak salts”, “calm hunger pangs sniff stick” and “celebrate spring transformation diffuser” detailed for you)
  2. Check out these kits to decide which is important to you to have on hand (the links are to my website so you can see the wholesale prices but you can go to your site, also):
  3. Check out the Aroma Share Club (you can cancel it at any time) – it is a great way to collect and start using a few of the oils at a time. See an introductory short video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7t8AxcBvQg   and see the description of it on your YGY website or on mine at  https://101490255.youngevity.com/essential-oils/aroma-share-club-february-2019-1039.html
  4. Download the phone app that works for you. If you have trouble, you can connect with the maker at bonpetiteapps.com
  5. Explore the blog at the Youngevity resource center under “Health” and “Products”. For instance, one titled “Fight Day-to-Day Stress With Aromatherapy” was good – here is link https://youngevityrc.com/blog/fight-day-day-stress-aromatherapy/    
  6. Order one carrier oil (recommend Kikui as it does not go rancid as quickly as Grapeseed) and some essential oils that you need to have on hand:
    • Y-23 Immune (for all respiratory issues)
    • Trauma (amazing oil for pain, relief for common minor injuries and so much more)
    • Tea Tree (carried by soldiers all over the world as their medicine chest in a bottle)
    • Comfort Touch (amazing for burns, scratches, and bruises – created for children)
    • GI Purify (great for digestive issues – as in my story)
  7. Watch Leiann King give her story and demonstrate/teach essential oils with volunteer subjects https://player.vimeo.com/video/167150885
  8. Check out the next Tuesday night forum call on Essential Oils led by Brenda Wright at 5:30pmPT, 6:30pmMT by calling 1.712.832.8341 and use Pin 4374940# – short with lots of information and inspiration in using essential oils.
  9. Read through Foundational Aromatherapy entries under the “Suggested Uses” tab for any issues you may be experiencing.
  10. Check out Dr. Wallach’s book Passport to Aromatherapy which you can purchase at http://drjwallach.com/Scripts/default.asp
  11. Join one of the essential oil Facebook groups.  Facebook essential oil groups (closed but you can join if you are connected with Youngevity)

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health….   Remember:  Education empowers you to engage Better Health!

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