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Have Stress?  Need Sleep?  Here Ya Go……

It is amazing to me how often I hear requests for help with “stress relief” and “sleep”.  So when I saw the YGY Resource Center’s blog on this topic I had to check it out.  And sure enough, there is a relationship between these two.

You won’t be surprised that stress affects everyone, usually negatively, and that is mental health as well as physical health.  Have you ever gone to bed sooo wanting to sleep and your eyes are popped wide open and the mind keeps spinning?  Or have you found yourself “gripping” the steering wheel unnecessarily hard while driving?  Or losing patience without good reason? Etc.?

The blog made some specific recommendations. You might be surprised at how effective they are plus easy to use.

Of course, I immediately thought about a bedtime tradition we have established at our house when the grandkids sleep over because it involves one of those recommendations.

The YGY blog explains…

The author of the blog cited a Psychology Today article which outlined the power of scents. Click here for full blog

Marlynn Wei M.D.,J.D. explained that a simple smell can evoke emotions and memories instantly and directly impact us through our nervous system. It starts in our nose with the olfactory nerve (our “smeller”) and enters the skull through tiny holes connecting directly to the brain.

To oversimplify the explanation, the olfactory nerve sends signals instantaneously to the brain parts which are in charge of emotions, mood and memory.  These areas regulate our nervous system and can trigger “fight-or-flight” response, quicken our breath, heart rate and raise our blood pressure, or can soothe us by turning on the parasympathetic nervous system, which relaxes our bodies.

…our neuroreceptors

She explained that scents can so quickly trigger physical reactions in our bodies and yet have lasting effects after the scent is gone — amazing.  She went on to say that essential oils like lavender have even been shown to interact the same way biochemically that many anti-anxiety medications do on our neuroreceptors.

The natural alternative that balances us

Those of us who have used essential oils will agree with her that aromatherapy is a complementary and alternative medicine practice that taps into the healing power of scents from essential oils extracted from plants. They balance your mind, body, and spirit.

I found it wonderful that an M.D. would share the fact that studies have shown specific essential oils used in aromatherapy can help relieve stress, relax the body, and promote better sleep.  No pharmaceuticals involved here, folks.

Ready for Action?

The author of the YGY blog picked up Dr. Wei’s list of essential oils and outlined several along with links to finding them on the Youngevity website.  These are all good and available for your exploration.

But I know how busy we all are.  You will read this and think “that’s nice, I need to do that” and click on to the next item and it is lost and gone forever, right?  OK, maybe you put it on a “to do” list somewhere – but that, too, disappears into the black hole of life.

And those grandkids…

So, about one of the recommendations – “To Be At PeaceTM”. That name is given to an essential oil blend (which means it has blended together multiple oils – 7 to be exact) which Youngevity sells.  You can purchase a 100% pure therapeutic bottle of it, which is what I use, and it will last a long time since you just use one drop at a time.

At bedtime, my grandkids decide (yes, always fairly) who gets the first application by MeMaw – and I go down the line.  On the bottom of their bare feet as they rest their head on the pillow, I apply a drop of To Be At PeaceTM.  If you are not familiar with this style of application, see below*.  I then give both feet a gentle massage from heel to toe –no training really necessary on this part.  We already KNOW what we like so I just do the same for them.

They love it!  In fact, if they are staying over, before they get into their P.J.’s, they are asking if I have the “To Be At PeaceTM” ready and starting on who goes first, and last!  I kind of wonder if they would leave if I ran out of it (just kidding).

By the time I get to the last gkid, the room is filled with the pleasant aroma and sleepiness is settling in.

I have also used this in stressful times in the diffuser (also available at Youngevity).  Or now Youngevity has developed a “To Be At PeaceTM” roller bottle which has the oils diluted in a carrier oil for quick and easy application.

Just be aware the roller bottle is less expensive because it is not pure oil but has a carrier oil (Jojoba oil) mixed in so you will probably apply more liquid when using it.

The bottom line…

And here is my MAIN POINT:  Look at the connection between stress relief and sleep issues.  My essential oils manual – “Foundational Aromatherapy” by Leiann King, Brenda Wright & Amanda Reynolds, states  the following about To Be At PeaceTM 

“supports the nervous system, promotes restful sleep, and helps reduce or eliminate addictions.  It promotes calm and peace for both children and pets [and adults].  The aroma alone can aid in soothing the nerves, provide emotional support, and strengthen the ability to stay focused.  With massage, it can ease aching, over-used muscles, relieve the over-stimulated mind, and make falling asleep easier.  The anti-inflammatory properties of this blend relax the muscles around the spine to allow it to realign itself.”

So, there you go!  You have all the info you need, and below are the links to make it easy for you to get the oil I have spotlighted or the other key one mentioned in the blog, “Lavender & ChamomileTM

TAKE ACTION NOW so when you are stressed, or need help sleeping, you will have your essential oil blend ready to be applied.

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health,

and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

*Application to bottom of feet:  Put one drop of oil on your finger and place it at the neck/crease between your big toe and the rest of the bottom of foot.  Keeping your finger in touch with the skin, slide it up the back of your big toe to the top of it and then back down the back of the big toe and all down the rest of the bottom of your foot to the heel area.   That’s it – you have covered lots of receptors on the way and the oil is going to work!

Go to your Youngevity website and put the SKU info in the search area – or link to my website if you wish:

To Be At PeaceTM Essential Oil Blend – SKU: 67039 – $26.95 wholesale – Click my site here 

To Be At PeaceTM 10% Roller Bottle – SKU:  67609 – $13.95 wholesale – Click my site here 

Lavender & ChamomileTM Essential Oil Blend – SKU: 67056 — $44.95 wholesale – Click my site here 

Lavender & ChamomileTM 1% Roller bottle – SKU:  67056RB — $11.95 wholesale – Click my site here 


Essential Oils Diffuser – SKU:  USYG209017 — $31.95 wholesale – Click my site here 

Teardrop Essential Oils Diffuser – SKU: USYG209016 – $47.95 wholesale – Click my site here 

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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