024 My Body Can Fix Itself?

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Who says?  Dr. Peter Glidden (and Dr. Joel Wallach).  In fact, in Glidden’s book* he says the fundamental premise of naturopathic medicine is the following:

Your body knows how to fix itself.

Your body wants to fix itself.

Your body is trying to fix itself right now.

Our job is to apply the therapeutics outlined by people we trust, give them enough time to work and then judge for ourselves how effective they are.   

Of course, we all ask….  “which” therapeutics for my situation, “how much” time should I give it, and “what does effective look like” for me in my situation, at my age, etc.?

There is a “point of no return, beyond which recovery is impossible” but, as Glidden shares, nobody but God knows what that point is.  So, at 73, I am not letting the grass grow under my feet before I jump in to help my body fix itself.

Glidden’s encouragement is that we take advantage of our body’s God-given ability to fix itself, and, guess what, we help it along by giving our body the stuff it needs to fix itself.

So…which therapeutic is for me?

As I shared in my recent blog, I viewed Glidden’s 20-minute video “Bone & Joint Health”, offered to share it with any readers who requested it, and some of you did.   It addresses ligaments, tendons, bones and joints. I was focused on the arthritis topic in it.

The simple statement of what to do was “stop eating the inflammatory foods and put into your body the 90 essential nutrients”.   But it got much more detailed than that.  

He gave a specific outline of what to take and how to take it (which I will share with you here) but my biggest personal surprise was a discovery about the inflammatory foods impact on an aching “knobby knuckle” recently showing up on my left pinkie.

The ‘surprise’ inflammatory issue

Two weeks ago, I mentioned to my nutritionist the aching in the “knobby knuckle” that had been increasing in size on my left hand and wouldn’t curl down like the other fingers.  So she did testing on me for food allergies.

I have for some time faithfully followed Glidden’s & Wallach’s Bad Foods list, but after the testing, my nutritionist added switching to lactose free items (no cows milk, cream, butter).  Thankfully, she gave me some good substitutes that worked for me (NutPods cream for my morning tea, Ghee for butter, goat cheeses or FollowYourHeart lactose-free cheese).  

Already, my knuckle has stopped the daily aching and I believe I can see a slight decrease in the size of the knobby knuckle.  I am encouraged, and surprised, but I am not stopping there.  

I am going on full frontal attack — I ordered the Youngevity products Glidden recommended (many I already had) and I will start his protocol this week.   

Important Point About Results

While it is best for you to watch his video for yourself to learn the details of why and how, I promised to share his protocol and this may save you some stressful “note-taking” as you watch the video.    Just hit the “download protocol” button below to get the shorthand description of the protocol.

One more important point I need to share with you – whether you are brand new to naturopathic therapeutics and nutrition or you are an old-hand at it – and it comes from Glidden’s book*.  Remember, medical treatments – both reductionistic (M.D. type) and wholistic (naturopathic type) fail and there is no magic medical bullet anywhere.  

His illustration?  He could be treating 35-year-old triplets (all with the same genes) who are each suffering from arthritis.  Results from his recommended therapeutics?

One may be able to recover 100%

One may be able to recover by 50%

The other may not be able to recover at all.

It is impossible, he says, to know beforehand how much damage has been done, or how far back the body will be able to bounce – if at all.  But it would be prudent for us to apply the therapeutics outlined in his book and trainings or those in Dr. Wallach’s presentations and books.

Plus – take a look at how Glidden constructed his protocol!  

Testing, Testing – It’s How We Find Answers

That is what struck me about Glidden’s recommendation in this situation.   His protocol actually outlines a 4-month process where you switch out a component each month testing and evaluating which is best for you in your situation and with your body and history.  Check it out with your body results being observed to see what works best.

And the good thing to remember?   You are only taking this amount of nutritional product for the period of time you are intensely addressing your presenting issue.  There is a much lesser amount to be taken later when you are in maintenance mode.

Action Steps

It is my goal to help guide you to the resources you need to experience your own “better health” since I have been on this same journey and may be just a few steps ahead of where you are. 

If there is a health topic on your mind you would like me to search out in Glidden’s and Wallach’s resources, just leave me a comment below….or send me an email.

P.S.  If you missed out on asking to view Glidden’s “Bone & Joint Health” video, you can still do that –just email me ([email protected]) to request it.  

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health, and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health! 

*Peter J. Glidden, ND, “Attempt a Cure with Wholistic Medicine

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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