027 Have You Had Your Metals Today?

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What’s the picture that pops into your mind?   Items like copper wire, a tin can or an actual nickel?  Or lead-based paint?  Or valuables like gold, silver, platinum in raw form? 

These kind of jump into my mind – but the wording of the heading implies that you would eat or ingest these metals, right?  WOW – that does not fit my picture!

So WHY am I asking?  Because I was shocked at what I learned as I am presently researching the background of Dr. Joel Wallach’s mineral deficiency categories.    And it is important information for those of us interested in nutritional medicine.

Here is what he said in his book “Rare Earths Forbidden Cures”:

“There are 75 metals listed in the periodic chart, all of which have been detected in human blood and other body fluids – we know that at least 60 of these metals (minerals) have physiological value for man.  Organically not a single function in the human body can take place without at least one mineral or metal cofactor.” 

As I worked through re-adjusting my picture of metals/minerals, I found myself wondering which functions in my body needed which minerals – not that I want to try to piece together a whole meal plan or nutritional supplementation plan based on that knowledge!  Waaay too much hassle for me, thanks.

But I was curious.  Especially when I read the bottom line of his full story in this chapter of the book.  And that is:  the basic functions of life itself cannot be performed without minerals, either as a major part of the function or as a catalytic cofactor (i.e. RNA, DNA, subcellular and digestive enzymes and the utilization of vitamins).


Whoa!  What about the “health” information we grew up on and learned was the new modern way – just eat the four food groups, take pharmaceuticals, and do whatever your M.D. tells you to do? 

Yes, I have drastically limited the pharmaceuticals option after reading the side effects on the flyers, and I have learned more specifically in the last few years as I started using nutritional supplements – we just can’t get all the nutrition we need for optimal health from food alone.   And, since he is a good man and honest, my M.D. admitted that he can only manage symptoms and diseases I presented to him, not cure them. 

And just eating healthy food to get all I need in the way of nutrition?

I “sort of” knew in a general way that our soils were depleted and didn’t have all the minerals we need for the foods grown in them.  And since I grew up on a farm, I knew my dad only put 3 minerals back into the soil each year – and they were aimed at production goals, not at nutrition. 

Everyone kept saying eat certain foods to get certain nutritional benefits – but no one could really measure and verify which or how much of the minerals were in that particular food item on my plate.

The Best Illustration of the “minerals are the currency of life” message was provided by Dr. Wallach in both the “Rare Earths…” book (p. 19) and his “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” book (p. 85).  Here’s what happened.

In July 1993, thousands of people on the east coast were swooning and fainting with hundreds dying during a sweltering heatwave that soared above 110 degrees.  The effects of the heatwave were so dramatic that the body count was published in newspaper headlines. 

One story quoted the state medical examiner of Pennsylvania who said: “we don’t know why so many have been affected by the heat –half of the dead and hospitalized had air conditioners.”   Dr. Wallach says the cause was “screaming” at the medical profession but not voiced or printed. 

His answer?  It “was a simple salt or sodium deficiency (your basic heat stroke that any boy scout could diagnose and recognize and remedy with water and salt)….”  He points out that the human tragedy of the heat wave was a direct result of the doctors putting their patients on reduced or salt-free diets for high blood pressure or heart disease.” 

Do you remember the “salt-free” or light sodium directions we all got?   I STILL see foods labeled this way.  Read on.

About a week after the reports of the deaths, the state medical examiner’s office again spoke up saying “the only common denominator we found in the dead and affected during the heat wave was that they all had heart disease or high blood pressure.”  As Dr. Wallach observed and predicted, they had all been placed on low salt or no salt diets by their physicians. 

SALT – a mineral – vital to “the basic functions of life itself”.  Have you thought of it this way?

Even more poignant is something we all know if we have been hospitalized or gone with a friend or loved one to the hospital — it occurred here, too – upon reaching the emergency room, the patients were successfully treated with IV saline solution (salt water).

MY POINT?  Dr. Wallach says it best:

“Minerals and mineral supplements to our meals are in fact a necessity of life.  Since before recorded history man craved and consciously consumed minerals including the major minerals, trace minerals and Rare Earths in the form of clays, salts, animal tissue (bones and meat) or colloidal mineral rich plants.”

MY TAKEAWAY?  I clearly do not want to try to figure out which minerals (metals) I need and how much nor how to get my body to absorb them (huge difference in ground-up rocks and plant-derived minerals in absorbability). 

Nor do I want to figure out which co-factors have to be present for optimal benefit (like calcium needing to have magnesium, boron, strontium and vitamin D)!

Neither do I want to try to figure out which food has which minerals in the amount I need!  (if that is even a possibility that it can be measured)

But since I have learned from Dr. Wallach that the 90 essential nutrients (60 of which are minerals) must go into my body in sufficient amount daily, plus I need to do everything I can to help my body absorb them, and I trust him and Youngevity on both the quality and the ingredient recipes they have produced in the Healthy Body Start Pak, then I can FULLY COMMIT to that daily routine.

Where are you in this journey?

My picture of the “metals” going to work in my body now has transformed from those “objects” I originally envisioned and is now replaced by my morning “blended shake” of Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 and Osteo Fx sweetened by extra Strawberry Kiwi-Mins minerals.  Much more yummy than copper wires—and clearly heading into my body to support optimal health.

If you are in the same place I am on that commitment, scroll down and leave me a comment, please.  I would love to hear from you.

And if you are still not sure you “buy-in” to all this, please follow this link and listen to “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” by Dr. Wallach.   Click HERE

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health,

and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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