041 While You Wait for Re-Opening, Do the Most Important Health Task NOW

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If you just listened to the news media, you would think the most important thing you can do in this time of COVID 19 pandemic is some form of “social distancing/quarantining yourself” “wearing the right mask” or “applying disinfectant constantly”.  Right?

And Heaven forbid you are in the “high risk” category age-wise (like me) – not much you can do about that!

Seriously?   Do we have to become a modern-day version of a Howard Hughes germaphobe?  

Now, as people are discussing “re-opening”, more fearfulness seems to be raising its ugly head.

But I was happily surprised when I ran across a recent blog that supported exactly what the naturopaths, your Youngevity leadership, and others in the holistic health arena have been saying.  

I checked the authorship of the blog – and I did a “double-take” — it was a gathering of global pharmaceutical companies, the World Medical Association, and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations.  Wow – and their message is not exactly what we have been hearing on the nightly news.

The title of the blog?  “How Your Immune System Prevents the Flu” – WooHoo, I bet Dr. Glidden and Dr. Wallach are jumping in line to support this idea!

So, check below for yourself and see how you fare in understanding the outline of their blog’s description of how our immune system protects us against threats of bacteria, parasites causing infectious diseases, and viruses – including the flu:

  • Immune system – a task force of skin, mucus, tiny hairs and various types of white blood cells working together to defend against foreign invaders (like flu virus)
  • Skin – first line of defense – captures & kills invaders trying to penetrate it
  • Airways – a ‘port of entry’ with the defense of mucus that captures virus & tiny hairs that move the mucus out of your body 
    • If skin and airway defenses fail, there are other options:
    • your cells recognize a virus invader within minutes & initiate a cascade of chemical 
    • signals which attract white blood cells (T-cells) who trace, bind to and kill infected cells – 
    • which stops the flu virus from spreading
  • other white blood cells (B-cells produce antibodies, plus T-cells) respond each time that same virus tries to infect you again

And here is the  ‘GRAND FINALE’ STATEMENT of the blog:

Keeping your immune system is vital for fighting the flu,

 so take care to feed it well and keep it fit.

And this begs the question….NOT “How can I keep away from germs” BUT INSTEAD “How can I keep my immune system healthy?”

Obviously, the first line of defense is doing the basics:

  • Daily taking the Healthy Body Start Pak putting the 90 essential nutrients into your body.  If you are a Youngevity customer, you can order it now 
  • if you are not, you can sign up this month for free as a Preferred Customer and get the wholesale price at this link  – click on “auto-ship” and fill out the form
  • Eating in concert with the foods as outlined them in a previous blog #016 at this link 

And the second line of defense is outlined in detail in a free PDF provided by Dr. Glidden along with his interview of 4 experts in wholistic medicine regarding the Coronavirus, Immune Health, and More – lots more.  He calls it the Coronavirus Encyclopedia Britannica.

UPDATE:  this is now free on his website along with a download of the PDF – here is the link

CHEERS to your Keeping Your Immune System Healthy!!

Candy McCune, your Guide 

And remember, Education Empowers You to Engage Better Health!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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