042 Where’s My PureWorks

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I know!  I know!  I have been checking the Youngevity website regularly looking for my “go to antibacterial foam” – PureWorks!  It does not show up – oh, darn.  It must be on Back Order.

ALERT:  first Big Tip of the day — Know how to check a BackOrder with YGY? — Go to https://youngevityrc.com/  which is the Resource Center and scroll all the way down the page to the gray section at the bottom.  Under “Distributor Resources” is “Back Order Report”.  

If you are looking for “PureWorks Antibacterial Foam 2.5 oz or 7 oz” it says “No ETA”.  Yup – they don’t have it and don’t know when it is coming.

But I have GOOD NEWS for you who are die-hard lovers of PureWorks – ALERT:  second Big Tip of the day — you can get a quart and gallon size liquid refills for your foam bottles (so keep those empty ones) plus there are still some of the 2.5oz and 7 oz foam bottles available ON THEIR WEBSITE at https://www.buypureworks.com/.    

Yet I am watching the dwindling store of it I have and wondering if an article I read recently is right – the title said: “Hand sanitizer will be hard to find for a long, long time” published on 4/8/2020.

But that is not the BIGGEST issue that concerns me….it has to do with what is IN the sanitizer.

The article went on to describe all the retail problems with manufacturing the PET plastic containers and caps needed not just for sanitizers but also for food plus the shortage of the chemical compounds needed to make a gel for that type of sanitizer.  

As they described a company that typically made automotive fluids switched to sanitizer production, I thought of the breweries I heard about that shifted from their alcoholic beverages to making sanitizer, also.  Really?  They know how to do this?  Well?

Now we are getting to the problem that has MY ATTENTION and I suggest you should look closer, too.

Being a die-hard PureWorks fan, I knew this info generally but I will share the details directly from the President of PureWorks – and you will find it on the website there as well.   It is the “alcohol” issue.

Alcohol is prevalent and cheap and is effective as long as you can smell it – about 3-4 seconds.  It also dries and cracks your skin.   PureWorks contains no alcohol, moisturizes and conditions the skin but the huge piece for me is that it not only wipes out 99.9% of harmful bacteria, it also guards against infection for another 3-4 hours until you rub it off or wash it off.  

Here is how Mark, the President of PureWorks, describes it:

“Ever since germs were discovered in 1847 by Dr. Ignaz Semmelweiz people have tried to kill them by hand washing with chlorine or alcohol, the problem is that none of these solutions worked then and nearly 165 years later they still don’t work. The fact is that you can’t wash all day long nor can you apply alcohol every three seconds of every day. The problem is that none of these products has any lasting power to stay on the skin and kill germs as you come in direct contact with them. We call that persistence.

To be protected from germs you have to have a product that sits on your skin and kills germs as you pick them up and before you introduce them into your system through your mouth, nose, or eyes.

So, for 165 years nothing has given you the kind of protection that you MUST have if you want to stop getting sick. Every product you have ever purchased is ineffective because it does not persist on the skin and only gives you a few seconds of protection. All alcohol products are completely ineffective because they evaporate and protect you as long as you can smell them – about three seconds. Not only are they worthless but they actually help the spread of germs because they dry and crack the skin and you transmit more germs with cracked skin. Cracked skin is a major reason why germs spread so well and seem to be unstoppable!

Let me tell you about PureWorks. It contains no alcohol, chlorine, or anti-biotics. Instead, we kill germs with an FDA approved, a highly effective active ingredient known as Benzethonium chloride. All of our skin products also contain 7 other germ killers that are deadly to germs but make your skin look and feel amazing, soft, and healthy.

Now here’s the best part. PureWorks products electrostatically stick to your skin and stay there waiting for you to pick up microscopic germs from countertops, bathrooms, doorknobs, computers, tables, desks, pens, cell phones, theater seats, playgrounds, school, church, airplanes, hotels, taxis, etc, etc, etc. Germs are everywhere people are.

As you pick up germs PureWorks goes to work and kills them immediately before you rub your eye or pick your nose or dig that piece of spinach out of the gap in your front tooth. This persistence is the only way to get long-lasting protection and lets you kill germs all day with just a few applications of the product. A typical application lasts more than 4 hours!!! Alcohol products like Purell or GermX last only 4 seconds. You really have two options, you can fill a couple of zip lock bags with alcohol gel and insert your hands in them and keep them there all day or you can use a few applications of PureWorks…You decide!

It took 165 years but it is finally here. An actual solution to the germ problem!”

So, there you have it – straight from the PureWorks source.  And if you want all the scientific and juicy details – like ingredients and list of pathogens it kills and the effectiveness measurements plus testimonials – just go to the website and check it out.

Meanwhile, I hope this has been helpful to you – I just remember how excited I was when I stumbled across the website and realized I CAN get my PUREWORKS!  I just wanted to share….

Candy McCune, your Guide 

And remember, Education Empowers You to Engage Better Health!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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