014 Whoa! Butter is Good but Olive Oil is Not?

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Five years ago when I started taking the Youngevity nutritional supplements, called the “90forLife”, I did NOT have an ideal diet.  

OK, confession is good for the soul – my “ideal” breakfast was driving through the Burger King and getting a big sausage biscuit along with my humongous Diet Dr. Pepper.  I could then motor over to park in one of my favorite spots to view the gorgeous Rocky Mountains (preferably with snow on top) and have my morning “quiet time”.   Ahhhh!

Then somewhere along the way, I heard from Dr. Wallach and other folks doing training and workshops on Youngevity products — something about the “Good Foods Bad Foods”.   I wondered what they were talking about. 

Yeah, I know my mother, or the government, gave us food groups and what we “should” eat but it was pretty unrealistic given my food preferences.  When my health-conscious massage therapist would say something about eating my greens, I would remind her that the only green food I liked were green M&M’s. 

Well, somewhere along the way, I found out more about those “Good Foods Bad Foods” and more stunning to me (and perhaps why it finally STUCK with me) was the reason behind each of the choices on that list. 

In case you were or are as clueless as I was, here is what they were talking about….and why.

What I learned is that there are good foods that will support my body in the journey to heal itself, and just as important, there are bad foods that will prevent absorption of vitamins and minerals and even cause damage to my body.   THAT is what got my attention.

Since I was serious about my health, and spending good money for supplements, I had to decide if I was serious enough to make some lifestyle changes that were vital.  It took some time, but I can honestly say now that I have accomplished staying in the Good Foods zone.

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‘EGGS – these are the staple of my diet – truly one of the greatest superfoods. 

  • Contain the vital cholesterol that my brain, nerves, and hormones need
  • Provide a variety of proteins, EFA’s, vitamins and minerals.
  • Remember never to overcook eggs (frying or hard-boiling too much so have a greenish coating) but soft scramble them in butter and salt, soft boil them, poach them

BUTTER (and Lard) – Cook with these plus use them for other culinary projects.  Julia Child would be thrilled!  Ghee (a form of clarified butter) is also acceptable. 

SALT – Good for us and is the source of the chlorine atom in the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.   Farmers don’t restrict their animals’ intake of salt and neither should we.  Salt intake has nothing to do with high blood pressure, so enjoy.

DAIRY – Acceptable in all forms unless a person has a dairy allergy, but also be alert for added hormones — avoid them.

MEATS – Animal protein in the form of fish, chicken, pork, lamb and beef – (but be careful to avoid blackening the meat or cooking to well-done level – bad chemical reaction, carcinogenic)

VEGETABLES – (stewed or steamed are best) Can be eaten in abundance, and there are so many good ones.

FRUITS – Not a problem.

CORN – Consume ‘organic only’ because most conventional corn is genetically modified which can hurt your digestive track.

NUTS –Avoid nuts roasted in oil, or nut products with oil added plus most peanuts are contaminated with fungus so it is recommended you don’t eat them.

RICE, MILLET, BEANS, QUINOA, COUSCOUS (made from pearl millet only)  — all okay

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WHEAT, BARLEY, RYE & OATS/OATMEAL (essentially go Gluten-Free) – The grains we eat today have been altered to withstand weather, insects and weed killers resulting in a gluten protein that our stomachs just cannot break down.  When the gluten travels through our intestinal track undigested, it destroys the villi and micro villi that is meant to absorb the nutrients from our foods.  This leads to chronic digestive health problems, and diseases.  Dr. Wallach says to avoid these grains even if it states on the package that they are gluten-free.

FRIED FOOD – When we fry foods it produces acrylamides and free radicals.  These are carcinogenic and will cause inflammation in our digestive tract and arteries, oxidation damage to our nerves and soft tissues, and can cause certain cancers. 

OILS – Cooking oils, olive oil, even coconut oil oxidizes when oxygen comes in contact with it.  When you eat oxidized oil it causes inflammation, oxidation damage, and destroys tissue in the body.  Most oils on the market are rancid because they have air in the bottle and begin to oxidize the minute they are exposed to air.  You have no idea how old it is, how much heat it has been exposed to or how long it has been on the shelf.

WELL DONE MEAT (Rare or Medium Rare is ok) – Carcinogenic heterocyclic amines are created by cooking meats at very high temperatures.  When grilling make sure the flames do not touch the meat or let the juices from the meat hit the charcoal and coat the meat with burnt smoke.  Dr. Wallach says that heterocyclic amines are the most egregious cancer-causing substances on earth.

DELI MEATS/COLD CUTS – Most deli meats, hot dogs, and bacon have nitrates and nitrites in them used as preservatives.  Nitrites and nitrates cause inflammation, tissue destruction, oxidation, and free radical damage.  If you can get nitrate/nitrite free deli meats, then you are okay to consume them.  Many also contain various forms of gluten as it is a binder.  Also, make sure you do research on the dangers of celery root/powder being used as a preservative.

CARBONATED BEVERAGES – OK, if I can give up my Diet Dr. Pepper heavy-duty addiction (maybe averaging 1.5 liters daily for years), you can do it, too – promise.  You will feel better and it will help you lose weight if that is a goal for you.  Carbonated beverages neutralize the stomach acid and reduce your ability to digest and absorb the nutrients from food and supplements.  Phosphoric acid is especially bad for you, and will rob calcium from our bones.  Dr. Wallach recommends avoiding sodas, and carbonated water of any kind, for an hour or two before and after meals.  Help your digestion all you can.

POTATO/YAM/SWEET POTATO SKINS – The skin is okay to eat if boiled or covered while baking.   The reason for not consuming crispy potato skin?  Overcooking creates carcinogenic heterocyclic amines – bad for you.

AVOID ALL GMO FOODS – Genetically modified organisms were great in agriculture for plant production but for our bodies there have been several unintended consequences that could be major problems for our health.  Study up on this and you will see what the research has revealed.  Also, more than 90% of corn and soy are GMO in the US.

HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP—Look at labels and see how many times this is added.  Processing of the corn may put mercury (very toxic) and other caustic chemical residues in the syrup, which is used instead of sugar. 

HYPOTHYROIDISM—If you suffer from hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) you need to avoid eating cruciferous vegetables because they will suppress and reduce thyroid function.  Some more common examples of cruciferous vegetables are:  horseradish, kale, collard greens, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, turnip, mustard seed, arugula, watercress, radish and wasabi.

Now you know the “why” along with the list.  So, what “action step” comes next for you?  Maybe a baby step, but each step towards “Cleaning Up Your Diet” is a step towards better health.

Keep steppin’ !

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health, and remember:  Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

P.S.  If you want an easy “reminder” of the Good Foods Bad Foods, click on the Download.  And please leave me a comment – I truly appreciate your feedback. 

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