016 Social Selling – Explained!

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When I joined Youngevity as a distributor, I was following Rhonda Anderson, co-founder of Creative Memories, my heroine when it came to saving my photos and memories.  Cliff Annicelli in a Nov., 1997 trade magazine article shared the insight of those in the field at the time:

“….they’ll tell you that its [scrapbooking’s] phenomenal growth is due almost exclusively to the efforts of a single company, Creative Memories, a St. Cloud, Minnesota-based supplier of scrapbooking products whose home parties continue to be the first experience most hobbyists have with the activity.”

They were right!  A friend took me to a Creative Memories party in someone’s home where I was walked through putting my own photos onto an album page.  WOW – the fire of my passion for saving my photos and memories this way was lit, big time! 

As I eventually exited the litigation practice that had dominated my work time, I was determined to go “full-hog” into my fun pastime of memory-keeping through both digital books and printed photo albums with Creative Memories.  I loved the monthly “crop” workshops, huge twice-yearly weekend retreats at a local hotel, and the fun mountain cabin retreats with friends and customers putting together our memory books full of treasured photos and stories – and having fun doing it!

Fast forward to 2014 – the internet age with cell phone photos overwhelming folks, fewer and fewer photos getting printed, and people running at a faster pace than we ever imagined.  And Rhonda was no longer at the helm at Creative Memories with results very disappointing to many of us. 

But our heroine did not let us down – Rhonda connected with Youngevity where she quickly created Our Memories for Life with all the important, high-quality traditional paper and print album supplies we loved.  Plus, a digital, online album program was already in place in Youngevity.  We were set! 

And then a turn I did not expect occurred.  I heard from fellow memory-keepers some things that made me decide to just try the basic core 90forLife health product.  My results came quickly and were life-changing….not to mention focus-changing as well.

It was not long before I was digging into learning everything I could about Dr. Wallach, the nutritional health products, what the heck minerals were and how could they be so vital to my body when I didn’t even know there were IN THERE! 

YEP – you guessed it.  Now I have a huge passion focused on the health side of this company – especially as I am hitting my 70’s.  But interestingly, my passion for preserving photos and memories is still high as well. 

That brings me to my point today – Youngevity has developed a “tool” for us, as Distributors, to use as we find ourselves in this digital age, with busy, busy people who need something “fun” in their lives and in the method we use to share our passions — health, memory keeping, or whatever.

Do you know about the Youngevity Social Selling tool, the website?  the process?  the rewards?  the fun?

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So the KEYS to making the best use of the Social Selling Tool (and I suggest they are important in any of our Youngevity marketing) are found in answering these 2 questions for your guests/customers:

  1. What product (topic area) is important to my guests? Set up Event for this.
  2. What would make it “fun” for my guests to explore and get involved with the product/topic area?

Then APPLY the Youngevity Social Selling Tool in the way that fits the responses to those questions!!

Want a couple of examples to get you going?  

Memory-keeping + Food — Customers interested in memory-keeping but perhaps not consistent about coming to your physical events?  Consider adding (and advertising) a “food” special to your next event (a $5 green salad or a $3 snack  — go to Saveur recipes on the Youngevity Resource Center and pick the one you like – consider the flavored Balsamic Vinegar).  You can charge a small fee to cover costs and once they have tasted this wonderful vinegar, they will be ordering them – or the spice of your choice in whatever food you showcased.

Essential Oils + Cold & Flu Season Kit – Customers interested in essential oils yet just “learning” about them is not pulling them to come?  Add (and advertise) your special “Make-n-Take” item that is called the Cold & Flu Season Kit (made with Y-23 oil, colloidal silver and refillable containers from Amazon costing about $3 per person).  See my blog on the “Cold & Flu Season Kit” for full instructions.  And this one could be done as a FaceBook Live event — just use my blog video for the teaching.

You’ve got it now!  So explore (watch this quick overview of the tool below) and enjoy the rewards!

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health, and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

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