018 Good Health? Sure…But It’s All Overwhelming!

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 As I shared previously, I followed my photo-album-making friends and leaders into this company (Youngevity) five years ago.   My pronouncement to everyone echoed the same sentiment as most of my friends – “Don’t talk to me about that nutrition stuff, I am just here for memory keeping in photo albums – that’s my passion.”

And that was my mission – preserving photos and stories.  I wanted to learn to use the digital photo program which Youngevity had previously acquired.   Plus, we all were giving Rhonda Anderson feedback and support as she quickly built our new Our Memories for Life traditional line of album products.  We had grown to love these under her tutelage in Creative Memories in prior years.

But why was I so adamant that I didn’t want anyone talking to me about that “nutrition stuff”?   I honestly can’t remember. I think the field is such a “hype” field and people pushing with passion products that I don’t know if I want, or can trust, or even want to bother trying to figure out.  

I was 68 when I came into Youngevity and I am sure there were some concerns nibbling around the edge of my consciousness.  If you had asked about health issues, I would not have told you up front that I was plagued by arthritis – why? Because I was taking 10-12 ibuprofen daily and that “took care” of it.

Gripping a pen and furiously taking notes during trials and depositions caused thumb pain beyond belief.  So, while I was working, I needed to be pain-free. And I enjoyed my nightly handwork projects, too. I probably had taken this amount of ibuprofen for many years so my thinking was — no pain, no problem.  Got it covered. Masked it with an over-the-counter item.

And I probably would not have told you I had a right-eye that had been blacking out on a monthly basis a few years before which the doctor told me was an early sign of TIA’s (mini-strokes).  I didn’t like to talk about this and pretended it was gone even though I knew the “baby aspirin” the doctor prescribed was only dealing with the symptoms, not the underlying problem. The baby aspirin had stopped the eye blacking out.  Easy masking situation here, too. But I sure had a lot of bloody noses at the drop of a hat.

So I honestly can’t remember why it caught my attention to the point of action when I was watching a video made by the digital scrapbookers in Youngevity.   After a training on album making, they were sharing their favorite health products.

Whatever it was that grabbed me, I ended up ordering a Healthy Body Start Pak.  And when it arrived, I just looked at it with no idea what to do or how it worked. And the directions were pretty sketchy in my opinion.  And I had no idea where to go for help. 

Now, years later, I understand what he means when I hear Dr. Wallach (the founder of Youngevity) say

“True health and wellness is only possible if it radiates from a solid, fundamentally-sound center.  Although the human body’s systems are complex and multidimensional, there exists a core group of 90 essential nutrients that have the greatest influence in support of vibrant health.”

What is this core group and how does it work?

Click Here to watch Dead Drs Don’t Lie

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health, and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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