025 Dontcha Hate Alarming Statistics

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Dontcha HATE Alarming Statistics?

I do!  Why?  Because they ALARM me…I get worried, nervous, and begin wondering if I am at risk or included in them.

Or I get suspicious that someone is setting me up to sell me something.  So I shut down the source of the info…and quickly move to something more fun in my life.

That’s a good response, right?

Well…maybe not.  But that is how I felt when I saw the CDC (Center for Disease Control) stats that said in bold print:

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Of course, it was accompanied by a picture of a line of people which made you think of you and your friends and family and envisioning which ones were in the 6 in 10 category – or the 4 in 10.   

And for perspective, it added another ‘alarming statistic’ about leading causes of death and the health care costs. 

So, my next thought was “what is a chronic disease?” which is another Pollyanna move toward “Hey, maybe I don’t have this thing and I don’t have to worry.” 

It was interesting to see the definitions and identifications they provided….all the while comparing my health history and experience and taking exception to some of their ‘information’.

According to the National Health Council on Chronic Diseases….

  1. What is chronic disease? A chronic disease, as defined by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, is a disease lasting three months or longer. About 40 million Americans are limited in their usual activities due to one or more chronic health conditions.

But the Center for Disease Control website provided this…..

Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both.

However, they both agreed in their listing of named chronic diseases

                        Heart Disease and Stroke (referenced as “circulatory” diseases)





                        Alzheimer’s Disease


                        Tooth Decay (or Oral Diseases)

I accept their stats and since they collect this type of information as part of their organizational purpose, I figure they would know these things.  I take no exception to their data on these.

But here is where I had to depart from accepting their information on face value.  And truly, they had no footnoted studies to support this statement.  Their declaration was the “Risk Factors” for the listed Chronic Diseases were “Cigarette Smoking; Lack of Physical Activity, Poor Nutrition, and Excessive Alcohol Use”.  I did check out the “Poor Nutrition” a little further and the basic end of their information was people should eat more fruits and vegetables and less salt.

Truthfully, when I had 3 of those listed “chronic diseases” I had not smoked since college (40-50 years earlier), was regular in physical activity, ate nutritionally well per their definition, and on rare occasion had a glass of wine. 

What was ringing in my ears as I read their websites were Dr. Wallach’s words…

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And he is joined by Linus Pauling, a biochemist who was the only person to win two unshared Nobel Prizes and revolutionized the study of chemistry, helped found the field of molecular biology, and made important advances in medical research….

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Now, with full confidence in the track, I am on, I must go back to Dr. Wallach’s foundational premise that our bodies need 90 essential nutrients (they are ‘essential’ because the body cannot manufacture them) daily – and 60 of those nutrients are minerals.  I have chosen to pay attention to Dr. Wallach and Linus Pauling as to the reasons “why” and “what to do about it”.

So here is my “factual data” (which I doubt is of the type the CDC or NHC wants to collect):

  • In 2014, at age 68, I learned of Dr. Wallach’s products sold by Youngevity and started on the Healthy Body Start Pak which contains the 90 essential nutrients
  • I have since then taken that Pak, consistently, later adding on other Youngevity products
  • Arthritis in the base of both of my thumbs that had me ingesting 10-12 ibuprofen in 2014 is no longer in my life – and I have taken only a handful of ibuprofen over the last 5 years
  • The blacking out of my eye/vision described as “early signs of TIA’s (mini-strokes)” by my M.D. in about 2010, and for which he prescribed baby aspirin, is no longer with me nor am I still taking the baby aspirin (which brought me multiple bloody nose incidents). Additionally, the circulatory “rush” to my head when I bend over no longer plagues me
  • The season of my having multiple crowns and cavities and even tooth implants seems to be coming to a close – no cavities in the last few years. I had not realized this was a “chronic disease” but only knew it was related to calcium deficiency.
  • Sideline facts which do bring me Pollyanna joy are the increased energy and vitality I am enjoying in the years that I thought my “aging” was taking them away from me.

My goal is not to ALARM anyone but to pay attention to data and use it to our advantage.  The true result of running across this information is that I am even more committed to serving you and others who want to know more about medical nutrition and how to make it work for you! 

I know some of you have made the 90forLife (Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak) part of your life. Please scroll down and leave me a comment about your experience – I value your feedback and others would benefit from hearing about your “data”!

And for you who have not tried the Healthy Body Start Pak or any version of getting the 90forLife supplements into your body, here is the link where you can see what 3 products are in it and check out the ingredients and description – CLICK HERE 

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health,

and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

I am happy to “guide you” through putting these basic core supplements into your body and your life!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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