029 WOW – I Missed this! Did You?

Remember the “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” cassette tape by Dr. Wallach?  Well, it was a little before my time, but it later became an audio CD?  

We who started a few years ago purchased this CD in bulk.  We passed it out to potential customers – we were following the conventional training.

It was our “tool” to be used to introduce people to Dr. Wallach and Youngevity – we hoped they would listen to it — sign up with us — and immediately purchase Youngevity products, right? 

Well, it was a fantastic but lengthy health lecture – even the latest CD version was 1 hour 14 min

But….what I have learned is that people aren’t listening to or reading things that take that long—unless they are motivated!

I started on Youngevity products before I heard the CD.  But did I love it when I finally heard the audio CD? Absolutely.  It gave me the full back story.  It solidified my understanding of how special Dr. Wallach and his work was.

YET….oh my….how hard it was to get people to listen to that CD!   Many took it with good intentions to listen but just never got around to it….it disappeared into the “later” category in their mind.  And “later” never came. 

My grown son in his 40’s had an experience similar to mine — he told me listening to that 1 hr 14 min CD was “sold him” on the need to do the nutritional supplementation with Dr. Wallach’s products.  I started him on the first pak after his skiing injury, but he listened to the CD later and has continued on his own.  He’s fully on board still– 5 years later.

What’s the problem?  Nowadays, we are all on a fast track….too busy….and overloaded with information…and we want to read the reviews to see what others say about something before we buy.

And I think it has to be pretty important for folks to listen to or view videos over 5 minutes long.

SO…I WAS TRULY WOW’d and rather surprised when I accidentally saw this recently–  here is what happened.

I had a new couple who expressed interest in learning more about Youngevity because they heard my story….so I did not want to ignore them just because I am “not quite ready” yet.   I am still tweaking that quick “overview” quiz – and the website plan (sigh)

So, I went to another site to see what I could share with them – and THAT IS WHERE MY SURPRISE SHOWED UP! 

There was a “1:46 intro video” that you could view and below it, the message “Watch the Full Documentary here”.   That led me to an amazingly well-done “40 minute” video which covered the best of the Dead Doctors audios and it added new elements which I really liked – quick personal testimonies & stories by a variety of people plus a new focus I had missed — how Dr. Wallach fought the battle with a handful of others to prevent nutritional supplements being restricted to “prescription-only” status! 

So, here’s the good news for you – if you would like to share this video with new folks at a meeting or wherever… you can do that.  Just look at the URL – go to JoelWallachDocumentary.com and you will be able to view it for yourself.  I found out it was released in late 2018.   Where have I been?   I guess I never fully checked it out or made it part of my “tools”.

So, here are the “tools”  — First:  the official trailer which is 1:46?   It is on the Youngevity GotoApp under “videos” so if you haven’t downloaded the app, maybe you should.   The trailer is under the “videos” section and looks like this and ends with the title of the documentary and says “coming soon…” but you know where to find it now….that is the Second tool:  JoelWallachDocumentary.com.

Now, here is my main point – my observation/takeaway/theory – you decide if it is helpful for you.  And I am applying it in my work on the marketing plan and website and quiz that I hope to be able to show you soon. 

When I started taking the Youngevity 90forLife pak, I had earlier heard Rhonda Anderson telling us Creative Memories people who were following her about what a top-notch company this was and her evaluation of the quality of their health and wellness work.  Then I happened upon a video of other scrapbookers who had joined YGY about 6 months before me – they were sharing the health products they had used and liked.  So, I trusted Rhonda, certainly trust other scrapbookers, and got to the “I’m open to this – why not” stage.

And my son?  He trusted me enough to take what I brought him – and he was in a state of “let me get my hands on whatever will help this broken leg heal and get me back on the ski slopes”.  He was open to the supplements and certainly at the “why not try it” stage.

But we both needed the “back story” of Dr. Wallach and the full credibility of the products to solidify our desire to consistently take the supplements and keep learning about our body’s ability to heal itself.

So, here’s the deal….

If you have anyone who is interested in Youngevity after talking with you about your results (don’t forget what a big part that is) or they have any kind of personal interaction with you and express interest – I suggest you keep it short in the sharing dept but you can show them the trailer saying “here’s the guy that convinced me of the need for nutritional supplements”.  And stand with them or sit with them to view that short trailer. 

Then you can say, when do you have time for us to look at the 40-minute documentary together?  We can do it in person, on a Zoom call or whatever – but let’s do it because I would like to see it again.  Then put a strip of tape over your mouth and stop talking – just set a date and time with them.  I promise you if you think they are going to look at it on their own – not happening.  It is going down the “later” rabbit hole.  Just sayin’

You can put this to work in whatever format works for you – it can be powerful and productive.   I just suggest that leaving people on their own to view it too often is not productive.

Meanwhile, I promise I am hard at work at a simpler, easy-to-use online marketing that I hope to show you soon!

In the interim, check it out yourself!  Now!  Or schedule it!  Don’t let it drift off into your own “later” black hole.

And then scroll down to the comment section and let me know what you think about it, about my suggested use of it – I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health, and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

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keep it personal and short

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