030 Where’s that Photo, You Know the One

It happens often to me (that’s what you get for being in the older generation and the one who “takes photos” in the family).

I was talking to my sister about her high school graduation picture – I know it is somewhere in the “family” albums my mother put together at the end of her life. The album with the late ‘60’s photos. And which one of those albums on my shelves is that?

When I transferred the contents of those “unsafe” albums to the “safe, archival quality” albums, my siblings and grown kids wanted copies. OK, had to solve that problem first.

Then when I wanted to go back in those 6 big original albums to find my sister’s graduation picture – whoa! Which one is the right album, they aren’t LABELED!

There oughta be a law about that! You know, like canned goods – they have labels so you don’t have to pull down each one from the shelf and open it up to see what’s in it.

So, if you are interested….here is how I solved both of those problems.

Hi Candy McCune here. And this is gonna be for those of you who have a lot of albums. Maybe your family history photos, your genealogy or just your traditional printed photos that you’ve got in albums. And I have lots, too, and they’re on my shelves. And I am looking for a specific photo printed and it….I know it’s in one of these but what’s in which album? That’s my problem. If you have that problem, I want to help you with that. Maybe even converting the albums into digital.

I’m gonna talk about that a little bit too. So let me share my screen. I’m going to go in, and hopefully this will be relevant and helpful to you. This is what I was looking at with my mom’s photos at the end of her life. She put them all into unsafe albums, which I transferred quickly to archival state albums. And I wanted these to be once that I could find something in. I’m looking for a picture for my sister. These are heavy. I’m trying to find exactly that picture, but I couldn’t do it.

I couldn’t figure it out. So what did I do? I really had to go in and learn about labeling and what I want to do with labeling. But I thought some of you might want to know how I made the albums. These were the original albums that ended up with our family history. Let me go to the oldest one. That’s my great grandmother.

Her hand writing writing out our own name and then my mother’s handwriting in there, too. Those were important to stay.

So I have siblings and grown kids, and they wanted copies. So I copied just totally scanned each page and put it into a digital album.

Worked great. I found that it was easy and fun to do, but I also found a benefit in the size.
Take a look at that. How much smaller? That’s exactly page for page the same pages. It also dawned on us that we all live in different locations.

So if something happened to somebody’s set of their albums, somebody else has a backup. It’s a good idea to do this.

I found halfway through that sometimes I had really large pictures, and I really wanted to create the digital album separately, so I scanned just the photos, and if you can’t do a 12 by 12 scan, you can go this route.

I scanned the album photos and put them into the digital, and you can see I was able to take my sister’s picture down in size a ways.

But look at the other benefits. I was able to do a lot more journaling and put a lot more information and more pictures per page. But I was still back to –

Here they are — In the originals and big albums. So what was I gonna do. I searched back in my mind,
and I remembered somebody did this somewhere. I wish I knew, and I could give you credit for it. But it’s a 4×6 photo card.

I just created it in my program and printed it up locally, and it was very inexpensive. You can print these at Snap2Finish or you can print these at Our Memories for Life which has a way to get them done, too, through Heritage Makers — and that will be changing soon.

So be ready for that to turn into YPhoto. It’s coming one of these days, but for now this is a 4×6 photo.

The good thing is, our older albums were WebWay albums that were in the Creative Memories business and the spine pulls out.

Same thing in the Our Memories for Life album that you would buy through Youngevity – Our Memories for Life. The spine pulls out. Put the 4×6 card into the slot and you get the full label.
Looks great, has all the information you need, and there you are. You can go into it and see all of them.

I know which one to pull to find my sister’s picture, but I think there’s another issue that came up.

I can hear some of you talking. What about those skinny albums? Those are nice fat albums. Easy to put all that information on.

But what about the skinny albums? Well, I had that problem recently. You go vertical. Look at this one.

This was my granddaughter’s softball album. She had a lot of softball teammates. They had a fun year.

I took a lot of pictures. We found we had enough that we could even make scrapbooks for each one.

So we did that. I did 12 by 12 digital pages — put them in the drop-in sleeves and here we go, each member on the team with their own label.

We found a a fun little picture to put on it. You could put any more information you want on it, but we wanted to blow their names up big, and that worked really well.

So the other thing I found, if you’re doing this, and the 4×6 doesn’t work as well, like I found after a while it was not staying in like I wanted it to. I went to an 8×8 page.

This white section shows it’s the end of the 8×8 page. I just cut it in half because I made two labels on one, and then this next photo shows you the comparison.
See the 4×6 and the size it is. And the 8×8 gave a couple of inches — one each on each side — and it really stayed in a little bit better.

But I also found it was smart to put some tape on the back of the label as you put it in, and there it was — quick and easy labels.

Old style WebWay, Creative Memories albums or your current Our Memories for Life albums –you can do them in this way.

I really recommend going to 8×8 size. Cut it in two. And you know what? You could do all of this with cardstock. So I hope this was helpful.

And I know that there is an issue I would love to hear from all of you — you have extra wisdom or other ideas.

Scroll down to the comment section, leave those for me. And would you also just tell me what you think? Any of you that this is new and it’s gonna be helpful?

I would like to hear it. And let me tell you, this is Candy McCune, your guide to better health.
But trust me, taking care of your photos and your memorabilia brings you great mental health.

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health, and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

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