032 How To Be A Successful Guinea Pig

guinea pig

Guinea pig:  A person or thing used as a subject for experiment. 

Hi, I’m Candy McCune. I hear you. 

You’re not interested, right? Well, stay tuned. I have news for you. 

….and you are the central character.

Guinea pig:  A person or thing used as a subject for experiment.

Hi, I’m Candy McCune. I hear you. You’re not interested, right? Well stay tuned. I have news for you.

Some of you may remember that famous commercial? Yeah, back in the seventies.  Two older brothers don’t want to try the new cereal that’s “supposed to be good for you.” And they shove the bowl over to Mikey, the youngest brother, for him to try because “he hates everything.”

Well, of course, Mikey starts spooning it down and keeps spooning it down. And the older brothers are in shock!

You could find this on YouTube, by the way.

Of course, we all laughed. The kids were cute. We made the commercial well-known because we kept using that phrase, “Give it to Mikey”.  And that became a catchword for getting someone to try something no one else wanted to try.

Well, here’s the story. And you are the central character. Don’t panic, but think about this for a minute.

We all have enough similarities in anatomy and body functions. But the truth is that a lot of our health is impacted by things that are unique to us.

I have 73 years under my belt.   So my diet, activities and historical happenings that have brought me to a place that is much different than a 40- or 50-year-old are important.  Or even another 70-year-old who’s lived a much different life from mine.

I played a lot of athletics in my teens and twenties, and I ran a marathon in my thirties and I sweat like a pig.  I mean it.  My hair goes totally wet with heavy activity.  So, I’ve sweated out a lot more minerals than many other people. Plus, I grew up on a farm in West Texas where the pesticides and the defoliates were sprayed from a plane across our fields, right over our house or yard or us. Now that was in the fifties and sixties.

So I won’t dwell on this other part of how many years of junk food, fried foods, diet soda, all the bad foods on Dr. Wallach’s list — plus ibuprofen and pharmaceuticals — went down my gullet.

Can you relate? So here’s the truth.  You are your own best guinea pig,

And I encourage you to embrace it and use it to your advantage. Here’s my example of how that can work for you.

At the recent Youngevity convention, I listened to their introduction of a new product:  Collagen Peptides.

Dr. Conaway has used collagen from another company for years because she knew it’s important, and she explained how difficult it was to find the right collagen.  Her words were that she’s “over-the-moon excited” about Youngevity’s Collagen Peptides

Richard Renton…and here’s what that looks like, the Collagen Peptides canister…Richard Renton is a longtime expert who helps in the development of products.  He outlined the history of Youngevity’s efforts to find a good source for this gelatin searching Japan and Argentina because their strict rules make sure that they have healthy animals as the source of the gelatin.  He says this is the next generation of products, and it will be great for hair, skin, and nails, but especially the skin.

It also really mixes well.  And many that they tried, he said, did not.

So yes, I came home with it.  I decided to try it out.

Well, here’s the description that I began to see on top of it.  I began to read this label, and it was interesting.  It’s specifically formulated to support the health of your hair, skin, nails, joints and immune system. It also provides amino acids that play a variety of important roles in the body, sourced from grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, cage-free chicken and eggshell membrane.

It provides the five main collegen types:  these are Roman numeral I, II, III, V and X.   Who knew that there were five types?

Well, there’s more on the label that really caught my desire and got me to try this out.  It said:

Promotes healthy cartilage, nails, hair and stomach lining. I really need that one, too. It promotes immune system support, supports healthy joints.  Always looking for that.  Promotes the appearance of healthy skin.  At my age, you need that.  Supports healthy bones

So all of these things intrigued me, and I started adding the powder to my daily morning shake.  That has my BTT, my OsteoFx, my Plant-Derived Minerals.  But you can drink it in hot or cold water, or any liquid of choice.

Now, being the absent-minded guinea pig that I am, and I have a very busy life, as do you, it wasn’t until I was halfway through this whole canister that I was looking at my nails and I realized “my cuticles seem healthier, not dry and peeling, like always. Oh, yeah, the collagen –got to make a note of that.”

Well, of course, I didn’t. But later, as I was applying the drop of my daily essential oil to the bottom of my feet and my favorite Trinity lotion from Youngevity, I realized my heels were softer, and there was absolutely no ridge at all around them.

That hard, rough, dry heel problem had improved over the years that I’ve been taking the Healthy Body Start Pak. But at the end of the Collagen product, this was a significant change.  Kind of the last piece had fallen together making my feet completely soft.

Oh, there’s more. For the last few years, I’ve been irritated that a rough base of a removed wart kind of stayed under my toe, no matter what lotion or essential oil I applied, I had given up.   As I checked it out when my heel situation caught my attention, that was significantly improved, too. And I think it’s on its way out of existence.  Wow, I went right to my computer and I ordered the next shipment of Collagen.

Now let’s get back into that guinea pig mode. I really began to notice other skin improvements, but how can I measure immune system and the more subtle body situations?

It’s not easy, but I will continue monitoring and noticing.…because bones, joints and immune system…those are hugely important to me right now.

What it will take is some time, and that means being a patient guinea pig.  After all, I spent many years with negative environmental and self-imposed toxins and bad foods attacking my system.  And I’m willing to give my body those helpful raw materials like the Collagen Peptides.

And I’m willing to do that over a significant period of time to gauge the progress and measure the changes along the way.

What about you?  Willing or not, you are your own best guinea pig.

What is it that has your attention in the health category?  What are you doing about it?

You want to start with the Collagen? If you do, I will treat you to two cool recipes that use the Collagen product — they’ll make it fun to consume and you might be more consistent, huh?

Well, just click on the download below, and you’ll get Keto Rocket Fuel Cafe Mocha.  And then you’ll get another one that is dairy-free as well as Keto — garlic and red onion sausages

Scroll down. Leave me a comment, please. I would really appreciate it.

Thank you. Candy McCune, your guide.Purchase Collagen Peptides on your Youngevity website or mine at https://mccuneenterprises.youngevity.com/us_en/collagen-peptides.html

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health, and remember Education Empowers you to Engage Better Health!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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