037 How Are YOU Handling the Cold & Flu Season?

Hi, Candy McCune here: your guide to better health. Well, in an earlier blog, I showed my cold and flu season kit. Well, since then, I kept using it, and I actually have been sharing it with a lot of others.

But I made one addition which increased its potency. That’s why I want to tell you about it.

How did all this come about? Well, I took some Youngevity products that worked well, whenever I had respiratory problems or cold symptoms.

You know, you can just tell when it’s coming on. You’re just feeling it in your sinuses getting tight or your throat or drippy nose. All of that.

Well, this is exactly the time to start this regimen and then you can “cut it off at the pass”. Or you can keep it down to just a very short “downtime”.

My problem was: the delivery system for our really good products was not really working well, And here’s what I found out. I put it all in a Ziploc bag, but let me show you what’s in there.

First thing in the regimen is this little inhaler. I found it online. Gonna give you a download with all the details, so you don’t need to worry about that. So I’m just gonna quickly go through the regimen.

This is an inhaler that has colloidal silver in it. The Youngevity Colloidal Silver looks like this– but this bottle will refill this quite a few times.

What’s good about this? It’s called Snoot, and it’s perfect. You take off the little restraining devices that keep it from squirting in your purse.

And you take it into one side– and you see this has a shoot device. It shoots while you sniff. Why they call it a Snoot. Anyway, it has the colloidal silver directly going up into your sinuses right through your nose.

You want to keep doing it –twice in each side– really sniffing. I hold the one nostril as I am going in the other nostril.

And I want to sniff very hard because I want to really get it going down my throat. When it starts going down your throat, you’re gonna feel much better down there.

If you don’t find it going easily down there, you can also squirt directly onto your throat. So don’t worry about that.

That is the first part of the regimen. The second part of the regimen is a little container I also found online. Details are in the download.

And this is an inhaler. This has in it an essential oil that we have come to love –the Y-23 essential oil is really great for respiratory issues. This has an outer shell and inside the inner shell is a cotton pad.

You soak that with the essential oil, and it lasts a long time.

Originally, we were putting the essential oil like we did in the French intensive method where you put some on your hand, rubbed it together, held it over your nose, inhaled.

Well, you can tell, it didn’t last very long on your hand.

It also, if you touched your face like one of my granddaughters did, and she did not like it, and I agreed with her. It’s a strong, essential oil. You don’t want it touching your face.

This is a perfect delivery system. This container allows you to hold one nostril –deeply and slowly inhale until it’s going all the way down to your lungs on each side, and I do it a couple of times on each side. That opens your whole nasal passage up completely.

Now, after the first shot of this, I’ll just give you a warning. This really makes you drippy. You’re gonna need to really blow your nose well after it gets going down. Once you’ve done that, go with this, the inhaler. It will open everything up beautifully.

Now, sometimes I use this by itself because when I’m getting on a plane, I want to be sure that my ears are completely open and I don’t have that ear pain. I will just use the inhaler at that time. And it’s great.

What’s the thing I added, Um, there was another thing that I had in the first time around–I just don’t keep it in the Ziploc bag. I told you about PureWorks, and that is something I keep in my purse all the time.

PureWorks is an antibacterial, which is great. It removes 99.9 percent of the harmful bacteria in just 15 seconds.

No alcohol. It’s not like that. The alcohol ones last about 3 to 4 seconds — this last 3 to 4 hours on your hands.

And in fact, it moisturizes and conditions the skin –and it’s persistent. So I love it, but I always carry it with me in my purse, even by itself.

That’s one of the pieces I kept telling you about in the previous one. What did I add?

There’s a little packet– I put them into a packet of capsules. These capsules are called Killer Biotic.

The very moment I start finding all those symptoms coming, I start this along with the rest of the regimen.

There are 60 capsules in the Killer Biotic FX, and I take three in the morning, three at each meal of three meals a day and then the three at night before I go to bed.

That’s a lot of them. I keep going till I finish the whole bottle. I finish the bottle.

That’s building up your immune system at the same time that you’re dealing with all the symptoms with these other items.

It’s important to get all of it working together. But don’t let your immune system get down. That’s what leaves you open to it.

When you’re taking the full 90 for Life and this is your little sidekick in the cold and flu season.

You’re gonna be a lot happier.

And if you have any questions. Please scroll down and put it in the comments section –or if you have some ideas of your own, I’d love to have your comments.

Just scroll down, get the download and keep yourself healthy during this tough cold and flu season.

This is Candy McCune, your guide for better health.

This is Candy McCune, your Guide to Better Health

And remember, Education Empowers You to Engage Better Health!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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