What is “chewing up” my bones?

There is a process constantly going on in our body – and as we age, the word we fear hearing is “osteoporosis”.  What is it – exactly?  And should I fear it?

Dr. Glidden’s book “Attempt A Cure” has a section explaining “osteoporosis”.  I appreciated the clarity – and I have drilled it down even a bit more. 

The simplified way to look at it is that our skeleton is constantly regenerating itself.  How?

  • By chewing up old bone with cells called “osteoclasts” 
  • And creating new bone with cells called “osteoblasts”

The problem?  

  • If someone is calcium deficient, their body will not be able to create any new bone tissue (because new bone is made out of calcium)
  • BUT it can still chew up old bone tissue — and it does
  • Result?  a net loss of bone tissue over time — Osteoporosis.

M.D.’s recommend drugs like Boniva and Fosamax that work to slow down the process of your body chewing up old bone — but Dr. Glidden’s concern is that it allows old bone to build up in your body which becomes as brittle as the osteoporotic bone you had in the first place.  And it doesn’t build new bone.

The help?  

  • It is a scientific fact that the body is attempting to grow new bone tissue all of the time
  • Naturopaths say “Give the body the raw materials it needs to get that job done!

But there is another “bump in the road” you should know about (because it is related to high blood pressure):

  • When the blood is overly acidic, the buffering mechanisms of the body are activated — meaning minerals (especially calcium) are leached from the bones to alkalinize the acidic blood.
  • This process weakens the bones.
  • SO — in addition to giving the body the raw materials it needs to generate new bone tissue, it is a very good idea to follow a diet that is non-acid forming  (eliminating the 12 bad foods helps accomplish this) 
    • Both Drs Glidden and Wallach identify these foods to be eliminated as wheat, barley, rye, oats, oil in a bottle, fried food, red meat cooked well-done, meat with nitrates added, skins of baked potatoes, carbonated beverages with a meal, soy and soy products (non-GMO soy is okay), corn (organic & non-GMO okay)

The Youngevity NUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTS you need monthly per Dr. Peter Glidden (and Wallach supports similar protocol):

  • 90 essentials (3 items)
    • Beyond Tangy Tangerine powder (2.0 is 2 scoops but the newer 2.5 is 1 scoop)
    • Beyond Osteo-fx liquid (take 1 oz per 100 lbs daily or 1 bottle– can be split into 2 times a day)  —  see below > add extra Osteo-fx
    • Projoba Omega capsules (cheaper than EFA+ and fits your needs if you are over 20 years old) – 3 per day with food
  • ADD the following:
  • Strawberry Kiwi Mins (plant derived minerals) 1 oz per 100 lbs (1 bottle)
  • Beyond Osteo-fx liquid – extra bottle or another 1 oz per 100 lb
  • Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support – 4 bottles per 150 lb (4 droppers full or 1 tsp per day) — mix in Strawberry Kiwi Mins
  • Gluco-Gel liquid – 2 bottles or 2 oz daily per 100 lb (can mix with Strawberry Kiwi Mins and Good Herbs)

Don’t overlook the weight changing the amount you need to take.  The mistake I often see is someone who weighs 175 lbs taking the dose amount for 100 lbs.  You can’t expect good results that way …

-– and osteoporosis is something you can’t see happening because it is going on inside you.   The earlier you address this, the greater chance you have of keeping strong bones strong !

Now you have the simplified definition and picture PLUS the outline of how to address it

– knowledge is power but action is required to make it happen for you! 

If you want to know how your bone health scores, jump on my health evaluation and let’s check it out HERE.

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