What a wonderful mountain retreat with my photoalbum buddies!  Working…sharing…teaching each other new methods and tips…laughing…learning. 

Ooops, one had to go home early – she was not feeling well.  Sadly, the text comes back within 24 hours that the Covid test was positive.  We all lift her up in prayer.

Finish the retreat and return home full of ideas for continuing the good work started – and doing another retreat as soon as we can.  Encouraging each other and learning from some of the more experienced is wonderful.

Wake up Monday morning – I think I was run over by a Mack truck during the night!!  I feel horrible – ache all over.  Somehow I get out of bed and get dressed but I get no further than my recliner.  Stomach is slightly nauseous and the thought of food is repulsive.

Dig through the bathroom drawers to find a thermometer – yep, have a fever.  I take it 3 times – can’t believe I really have this!  Not really high but it sure puts me in the Sci-Fi mindset (I really don’t like Sci-fi movies – too unbelievable, far out, and just weird). 

Yep, that is exactly how I feel.  Out of focus – weird – surreal.  That is how the recliner trip continues – floating and “who cares” frame of mind.  And a horrendous HEADACHE dominates all.  In fact, I can think of nothing else.

            What I did: 

  • OK, continued my daily Youngevity nutrients via the day’s mixed shake – sipped it.  Will also take the nightly osteo liquid and the capsule supplements in my normal routine.
  • Followed my “Cold-Flu Kit” routine (see my blog on this HERE). That is using colloidal silver spray up the nose and in the throat, Y-23 essential oil inhaler in both nostrils, and hit the Killer Biotic hard — multiple capsules multiple times a day!  (you’ll see the details on the download in the blog)
  • BUT THE HEADACHE – it was so bad I couldn’t focus on my Kindle where I had found a John Grisham novel I have been wanting to read.  (P.S. I LOVE to read)
    • Here is where a NEW tool turned out to be so fortuitous.  At the first of the year, I started trying patches which activate and mobilize my body’s stem cells.  I had seen a testimonial with a young boy who had a headache and the “first aid kit” patches were put on his forehead with good results.  I’m going for it!!  Find them in my set, pull them out and apply the two in proximity across my forehead.  Oh – thank you, Lord – relief came within 10-15 minutes.  The 12-hour patches worked to completely remove the problem and I could drift in and out of the Grisham novel, and consciousness, the rest of the afternoon.

Wrapped in a blanket in the recliner, reading, dropping off, reading, dropping off…..no food as it is totally a turn-off to think of it. 

Tuesday morn:

Still feeling the “weird Sci-Fi” fever a bit but obviously has lightened up.  Weak, body says it is not moving, and the stuffed-up head and sinuses plus sore throat start making themselves known – obnoxiously so.  Stay in recliner, under cover, keep reading the Kindle and slipping in and out of awareness. 

The Drainage is irritating the throat and it is making its level of soreness a major factor in my discomfort.  Swallowing is difficult.  Keep sipping on hot lemon water to soothe it. 

What I did:

  • Keep up daily nutrients
  • Keep using the Cold-Flu kit regularly throughout day. 
  • By late in day, the sore throat is a screaming distraction.   Pain is huge.   I try a lozenge as I go to bed – but wake up around 2 am in major sore-throat-grip of my full neck area.
    • Get up and go to the “first-aid kit” stem cell patch again – putting them on my throat.  Hallelujah – relief in minutes and able to slip into sleep. 

Wednesday morn:

OK – with the fever gone, my “responsible nature” takes over.  I run my 9am zoom call – yep, I was able to get upright and in front of the computer and pull this off.  Wonderful friends allow you to be below par if necessary – and most were at the retreat also.  We compared notes — there were two others who walked thru this new Covid sweep of torture.  We did our business and supported each other. 

Since I was upright and at the computer, I tried to clear a bit of the email backlog and biz that had piled up – but there was not enough stamina.  I was wiped and weak.  Back to the recliner – another Kindle book – in and out of awareness.  Ate lightly – promised the Lord I got the message about how frail the body really is, no matter how much exercise and badminton I play, etc.  It is humbling to be laid so low by an unseen, sneaky virus that invades without notice.

            What I did:

  • Rinse & repeat  (you know what I mean – same routine)
  • Thanked the Lord there were no excruciating Headaches or Searing Sore Throats today – just kept blowing the nose, emptying the sinuses, drinking hot lemon water to wash it all down and out.

Thursday morn:

Had totally unrealistic hopes of maybe feeling good enough to go to badminton this afternoon– no way, Jose!   Walking upstairs to retrieve something and then across the kitchen to get another cup of hot lemon water and I plop back into recliner totally exhausted and breathing heavy.  

As I keep up the routine treatments, it is clear a “ton of gunk” (yeah, I know, I like technical terms) has been turned loose to drain down and out of every nook and cranny of my head, ears and sinus cavities.  Good riddance. 

Eating stays light and I really am not hungry.  However, I start to consider re-joining the human race again.  But not today.  It is clear the energy plug has been fully opened and draining me for days – all my reserves appear to be gone.  But I am able to watch some evening TV without disappearing into the ether of unawareness.  Improvement?  Maybe.  But TV is not much of a challenge, you know.

What I did:

  • Rinse & repeat  (you know what I mean – same routine)
  • Good 8 hours of sleep!

Friday morn:

Wow – I had totally forgotten how wonderful “normal” could feel!   I finally have a sense of being back to my ‘normal’ self again.  I actually have a bit of “raring to go” to get into the work of the day and try to start doing some “catchup”.  

Until today, I truly had not one ounce of “desire” or “ambition” with regard to work/business/daily items.  Ok  – get that blog done!

Hope you don’t have to go through this routine, but if you do, I hope this gives you some tools in your kit that can help you ease through the rough stuff and get back to health as quickly as possible.  Truly – keeping your immune system as healthy as possible is a huge plus – and keep doing it all the way through.

Meanwhile, keep your Kindle charged up and stocked with some fav “fun” reading (or audibles)!  Want more detail on the “tools”?  Feel free to reply to this email or click HERE to have a conversation with me at a time convenient for you.  I’m here for you!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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