OK – after literally months of work, I’m putting the finishing touches on my long-awaited course – or workshop, if you will.  

My goal is to guide people to completion of their Life Story photobook – quickly and easily.  My working title is “Capture the Spirit & Essence of Your Life Story Without Being Overwhelmed!”

This effort has been a labor of love, but at times it has felt like giving birth.  However, now that the finish line is in sight I could really use your help.

Would you help me make it better, please?

You see – I found a system which brings key photos and stories together weaving them into a robust digital photobook.  I had a few brave souls who tested out my system and had great success.  I certainly had great help in refining it thanks to their input.  But what was most wonderful was the experience of completion — the resulting photobooks held in their hands brought a level of enjoyment and satisfaction far beyond all of our expectations.

Lori has given me permission to share – and I think her experience might help explain why I am so committed to helping others.  When she saw my outlined system and steps, she thought that she should do her father-in-law’s Life Story first since his health was quickly fading.  Following my system, she started the process – and there was not much in the way of photos or fully-fleshed out stories as she started the project.  So she sent her husband to his dad’s house almost daily to get “one more photo and one more story”.   

Bit by bit, fun photos and terrific stories emerged and she captured them in the photobook.  She started with his grandfather arriving in America in 1880 and homesteading 160 acres in Custer County, Colorado.  His father took over the ranch and he was raised there – and now in his late 80’s, he still enjoyed visits to the ranch up through the time Lori was working on the book.  She gleaned hilarious stories around the wedding, their memories of raising the two boys (her husband was the oldest), rich ranching experiences and the appearance of grandkids whom they adored.  

Ending with “milestones and lessons learned” gathered from him by her husband, she completed the Life Story and received the printed book in time for her husband’s parents to both enjoy it.  He showed it everywhere as he treasured the remembrances it brought.  Her husband was thrilled with the book saying “these stories make my parents ALIVE” – and Lori said the stories had been told time and time again, but never, ever written down.  She called it a “story album” and could not fully put into words how meaningful it had become.

Turns out, it was not long before her father-in-law left this earth for his heavenly home – and both she and her husband were so grateful the photobook had been completed while he could still enjoy it.  Of course, it enriched the funeral services beyond measure.

And yes, Lori took the same system and applied it to her own Life Story working the same path through completion of her photobook.  I’ll let her words give you a taste of what occurred:

The Life Story really opened my eyes to so much understanding of my current life and values, based on my upbringing.  It was truly amazing.  Looking back made me fill in the blanks (or missing puzzle pieces) in my life.  Interesting enough, I really saw all 5 of my sisters and how they grew up differently than I did, based on birth order, circumstances, and age.  I also saw God’s love for me as I grew up, how he blessed me, protected me, and grew me.  Words cannot describe, but photos often do….Blessed to have a coach like you….Keep persevering!

You can see how inspiring it is to witness such great results and responses.  

And I realize that Lori and my testers had experience in the digital photobook area.  But I believe many “newbies” who have no such experience should be able to quickly and easily do this photobook, also.  That is part of why I am asking everyone to help me with a response here.

I also want to make sure that I’ve covered everything, but I’m probably a little too close to this project — so I might miss some obvious things.  Now that I’m almost finished, I’d truly like to get some feedback from you.

And yes, YOU!  You may never have given a thought to putting a story and photo together into a printed format such as I am proposing…..or you may have thought about it and wished you had your Life Story written, done, finis!  Or you may have even tried to start such a project, got overwhelmed or somehow ground to a stop….and never finished. And that is what I need from you – no matter which category you fit.  Can you please help me make this better?  It will only take a few seconds, I promise – less than a minute.  If you could go to this link and answer this one simple question, I would be truly grateful!  CLICK HERE

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