I Want to Fix THIS — NOW!

I see this so often – and I suspect you recognize it, too.

An email scroll catches my attention – next to an engaging photo in big letters, it says “Do THIS 1 hour before bed to pee out stubborn fat in the morning”.  OK, I HAVE to glance quickly through to see if this “much-desired” result could possibly be mine.

Of course, there is no descriptive reveal of the “THIS” you must do – it leads to more reading, sales talk, testimonials, etc.  ENOUGH!  I scroll away frustrated at having wasted my time.

But soon after, another one catches my eye – “7 Signs You NEED Magnesium” – yep, have to check quickly to see if it matches up with my knowledge of magnesium, calcium and mineral deficiency issues.  These have all come into my wheelhouse since I started nutritional supplements through Youngevity back in 2014.  And I have been sharing with others what I have learned along the way.

Don’t think you are interested?  Well, just as I read her correct statements, I was reminded again of the importance of minerals to our body health – quickly absorb these points:

Magnesium is intimately involved in over 600 reactions in the body including the metabolism of food, the transmission of nerve impulses, the synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, muscle movements, gene maintenance and protein formation….

Unfortunately, studies note that about 50 percent of the people in the United States and Europe get far less than the recommended amount of magnesium. It is important to know that magnesium levels in soil are lower than they used to be. Plus, the use of chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine in water make magnesium less available. In addition, daily use of sugar and caffeine also deplete magnesium supplies within the body. In addition, if you live a high-stress life, it is likely that you are magnesium deficient.

Caught your interest yet?  These statements in her blog matched my learning.  And then came the “hook”:

A magnesium deficiency can lead to a range of chronic health issues. Just to name a few: calcium deficiency, poor heart health, weakness, anxiety and high blood pressure. You can also add type 2 diabetes, respiratory issues, fatigue, poor memory and confusion to the list.

So, of course, we all want to avoid those undesirable health issues!

But – what is the problem?   

First reaction – when I share with people the disappearance of my 20-year pain from arthritis shortly after I started nutritional supplements, they say “What did you take?”   Yet I know that the majority of them want a company name, or item name, or honestly, a one pill “make it easy” answer.  

And it is NOT SO – despite how the advertising makes it appear.  

Just reading the magnesium info above leaves an unspoken message that all you need to do is take magnesium and you will miss those horrible health issues.  T’aint true – trust me!!

When people hearing my nutrition testimony ask “what did you take?”,   I can say Youngevity foundational start pak.  Their enthusiasm wanes – sounds like more than just one pill.

But if they go a step further and ask “what is in it?”.  My answer of “90 essential nutrients” doesn’t satisfy them, even when I share that primarily the magnesium and calcium in those 60 minerals that make up the 90 nutrients were the big pieces in chasing away my arthritis. 

Many will say “oh, I have magnesium in my xxx – so I am ok”   – or “I will go to the store and buy some magnesium and that will work”.  

Neither works well – why not?   Why can’t we have what we all want?  A simple one-step, quick result answer to “how to fix it”.

Why do I say this?  – people I coached on health had shelves of vitamins and minerals that have lived on their shelf mostly and they only took a few, randomly, and didn’t notice a difference immediately – so it must not work is their thinking.  

What is wrong?  

  • Partly, our culture conditioning — we want and expect instant results
  • Partly, our buy-in to allopathic medicine (M.D.-directed treatments) — the small area or body part is isolated, given a name you can’t pronounce and a prescribed pharmaceutical targeting that part is given to manage symptoms  
  • Partly, our lack of knowledge or search of wholistic methodology which subscribes to the belief that the body has the ability to fix itself, the body wants to fix itself, and the body is attempting to fix itself all of the time – plus those therapeutics need enough time to work
  • Partly, our conditioning to have insurance pay the costs (and anything not covered by insurance, like wholistic or nutritional treatment, is not to be used to address our problem because of the amount coming out of our pockets)

I know – we are in a day and age where we have to be so conscious of our dollars and careful in our spending.  But I am trying to open up the options you might consider – and then you can make wise choices.

But I am also trying to give a more realistic view of the wholistic health direction – it is not a one pill, one time, easy answer.  But neither are any of the other options discussed above.  In fact, those who have tons of vitamins and supplements on their shelves have spent lots of out-of-pocket money on them.  More probably than a monthly Youngevity healthy body start pak would cost.  

And HERE’S THE BIG POINT – just adding supplements is not the full answer to whatever issues you are going to address.  Absorption of those supplements requires decisions about diet – and as Dr. Wallach says “you can’t out-supplement a bad diet”.   Plus, the quality of the supplements is a deal-maker or breaker.  How do you measure the differences?

In other words, health involves more than just a quick “how to fix a condition with a pill or supplement”.   So I have learned that to help people assess if nutritional supplements may be helpful in their health search, we need to first have a handle on what is going on in their body and what health “belief system” is in place in their lives.  

As the magnesium blog pointed out, odds are that you have been nutrient-deficient your whole life.  But there are so many nutrition sources and pieces of information floating around – how can we figure this out (without getting a degree in nutrition)?Do I have a tool for that?  You bet.  And yes, it costs you nothing to explore the options and information.  Just click HERE to connect with me and see if this tool is helpful for you. 

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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