Peppermint – Not Just Your Ordinary Candy

What comes to mind when you hear “peppermint”?  Candy canes? (okay, we are still close to Christmas)  Type of chewing gum?  Peppermint patty?

I suspect we have all underrated the value of pure “peppermint”.  I have, and I took courses in the essential oils plus have the definitive “book” on foundational aromatherapy.  Just needed a reminder.

First reminder – in my morning tea, I usually add one drop of an essential oil but have been regularly using Grapefruit Pink or Orange Sweet – both good essential oils with good properties.  But recently, I grabbed the 3rd essential oil near my tea bags:  peppermint.

Immediately, my training memory reminded me that these Youngevity essential oils are 100% pure, therapeutic, essential oil produced with the highest level of standard and safety – which techniques preserve the integrity of the essence.  What does that mean?  One drop will do you, dear!  They are potent.  So I just let one drop hit my tea already brewed in my mug.

Second reminder — it came in the form of an article by Megan Patiry titled “23 Peppermint Oil Uses to Naturally Boost Your Health” which ran by me in an email right after I enjoyed my “spiked” tea.

So glad I skimmed the article as it reminded me of the importance of doing just one little thing like this drop of Peppermint in my morning tea.  So I need to share this with you – it is a day to take care of our body and health.

To give you the big overview, here is the description in my aromatherapy book:

Peppermint is best known for aiding digestion.  It generally helps to reduce gas, bloating, and relieves an upset stomach.  It is excellent for relieving headaches and stress.  A mental and physical stimulant, it can help you stay alert during long working hours or while driving.  It can help reduce fevers, and give immediate relief for minor injuries, such as a smashed finger.

WOW – why didn’t I remember all that?  Well, truth-be-told, I have learned all the essential oils have multiple great helps – how could I remember all of them?  

But these days, aiding my digestive track is always a good thing for me and I really like the mental promise of relieving stress and staying alert.  Hooray for those benefits – glad to have them in my tea on a daily basis.

Curiosity led me to check out Megan’s article – I mean, 23 items of health!  Who wouldn’t want these?  She reminded me that peppermint’s main component, menthol, has been widely studied and found to help with the following issues.

  • Digestion
  • Bacterial infection
  • Inflammation
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle soreness
  • Congestion
  • Allergies
  • Headaches
  • Bad breath
  • She adds there are many other ways, including using it as a natural bug repellent or as an easy way to freshen your breath (DIY mints)

She then jumped into her 23 natural peppermint oil uses and benefits – as I went through them, I had such a hard time selecting a few and I didn’t want to skip one that might be important to you.  So, I will encourage you to check out her article – it details the 23 and gives application info.  Click HERE 

The lawyer in me requires I share with you the “safety notes” in my foundational aromatherapy book:

  • Not recommended for children under 2
  • Used in moderation, it is non-toxic, and non-irritating
  • Not recommended for those who suffer from atrial fibrillation
  • Not recommended for use in conjunction with homeopathic remedies as it may neutralize the benefits
  • Use cautiously with high blood pressure

And the “helper” in me wants to share some specifics (below) from the same Foundational Aromatherapy, 2nd edition, by Leiann King, Brenda Wright & Amanda Reynolds.  

Tried and True Uses

  • Adding a drop to a cup of water and sipping slowly helps the digestive system; by relieving stomachaches, reflux, gas, bloating, and flatulence.
  • Oxygenates the blood making it able to combat headaches, stress, depression and migraines.  Use a drop at the back of neck (base of skull), temples and forehead.  Candy’s warning:  be sure when you put it on your temple to stay away from your eyes – 100% pure oil is potent!
  • Inhale often or add a drop in glass of water for use as a mental and physical stimulant for students, night-shift workers, and long-distance drivers
  • Diffusing in the air helps with colds, stuffy nose, coughing, and asthma

One of the suggestions in their book I am going to adopt in my tea usage is adding a drop of honey – but also remembering to sip slowly.  I can then reflect on all the things listed above which it is helping in my body!  

Last, but most important, point – all the recommendations and info I have shared are based on being sure you are using Peppermint Essential Oil which is 100% pure, therapeutic produced with the highest level of standard and safety.  No additives in it.  Be careful – it only takes one drop if it is 100% pure but if it does not say it is, or is unusually inexpensive, be aware that additives will dilute and not have the effectiveness you need.

I use Youngevity essential oil in order to be sure it is pure – click Peppermint Essential Oil – 10ml (  – if you don’t have a Youngevity account, create the free one so you get the “wholesale” price.  

May this be a boost to your health and lifestyle!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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