Antibiotics:  Nature’s Way

When I think of antibiotics, I think of the ones you get with a prescription.  They are lab-synthesized, chemically-based and specifically target bacteria.  And in my experience, can have some really unwanted side effects.  

I can’t tell you how many years it has been since I have had an antibiotic.  And if a doctor wants to prescribe one for me, I ask a lot of questions to determine if that is my choice.

It is sort of like Dr. Peter Glidden’s teaching as a naturopath.  He says “thank heavens for morphine” and other necessary prescription drugs – but we have way overused them in our society — I agree.  So I was feeling affirmed when I read that “Natural antibiotics often present a lower risk of fostering antibiotic resistance, a major concern with overused synthetic antibiotics.”

The statement that resonated with me the most was that “natural antibiotics can be immune system cheerleaders” – “they’re not just there to tackle the bad guys; they also support your body’s natural defenses.”

The full article I found at the Wellness Watchdog can be seen HERE. I encourage you to read it in its entirety.  The title was “7 Natural Antibiotics:  Your Guide to Fighting Infections Nature’s Way” by Kriss Berg.  

His aim was to help the “health warriors” in his readership turn the tables on infections using some of Mother Nature’s finest arsenal.  He explained it was not just about swapping out pills but about unlocking the ancient, natural secrets your body craves.  

He adds that unlike some synthetic antibiotics that can throw your gut microbiome into turmoil, natural options tend to be more gentle.  Natural antibiotics like ginger have been known for their capability to promote a healthy gut, aid in digestion and soothe your internal ecosystem. So while keeping nuisances at bay, they also ensure that your gut is a flourishing garden of beneficial flora.  Sounds good, huh?

He is right about the warnings from the medical community that superbugs are getting tougher and our bodies need a break from synthetic solutions – so these natural antibiotics come as a breath of fresh air because they have been battling bugs for centuries.  Now he wants to put the spotlight on them.  And he makes some really good points.

He shares some of the support and research on specific natural antibiotics – 7 of them – and guides people in their use.  Here’s the quick snapshot of what he shared:

  • Honey:  Not just sweet, but a sticky healer for wounds with its infection-fighting powers
  • Garlic:  That pungent clove isn’t just for pasta; it’s got a compound called allicin that goes toe-to-toe with bacteria
  • Ginger:  Not just for nausea – it’s also a bit of a microbial ninja
  • Echinacea:  More than a pretty flower, this immune booster is ready to back up your body’s defenses, especially during cold season
  • Goldenseal:  This humble root packs a punch with berberine, known for battling bacteria and giving your immune system a leg up.
  • Shiitake Mushroom:  Not just a culinary delight, these mushrooms bring a wealth of beta-glucans to the table, supporting your immune system and fighting off pathogens.
  • Reishi Mushroom:  The king of mushrooms isn’t just regal in appearance; it’s a fortress of immune support, fending off invaders and balancing your body’s defenses

As I dialed into the wholistic health world, I learned about the amazing power of essential oils (even prescribed by the medical community in France) and the natural minerals and vitamins and amino acids that could work wonders within our body.  But I have not often connected the word “antibiotics” with natural herbal and other Mother Nature sources.

I encourage you to look at these 7 items and think about how you might incorporate them into your immune-boosting habits.  I was glad to see the honey (which I put in my hot tea), the garlic (which I love to use in cooking), the echinacea (I am always looking for this ingredient in natural supplements), and the reishi mushroom (I love my Beyond Hot Chocolate from Youngevity but it has been hard to justify the expense – now that I know I am boosting my immune system, I feel justified).

However, as I have shared in this blog before, I have a “Cold & Flu” kit I use at the first sign of stuffy nose, filled sinuses or sore throat – and frankly, one of the items is something I start popping into my system as soon as any sign of not feeling well shows up.  All of the items are natural (colloidal silver & Y-23 essential oil blend).

That item I start popping into my mouth is Killer Biotic FX – a proprietary complex of immune system enhancing nutrients put into capsule form and sold by the company I trust as to quality.  I always have a bottle on hand so that at the first sign of “uh-oh, something’s coming”, I start taking 2 caps every 4 hours all day and until the symptoms are gone.  That is based on a recommendation I follow from the quality control director at Youngevity who shared that as his “go to” routine. 

I know that if my immune system is strong, my body can fight off disease or at a minimum, lessen the effect immensely.  Back when COVID was coming into everyone’s radar, my husband and I had what we thought was a typical cold just before Christmas.  We didn’t think much of it but just remembered we wanted to get past it before the holidays – and I think it lasted 2-3 days in actual symptoms.  We certainly were not bed-ridden, just inconvenienced and used our “Cold & Flu” kit items along with a lot of tissues.  See my blog I Have A Kit For That – Candy McCune

About 4 months later, I gave blood (which I do regularly) and they reported to me that I had the COVID antibodies.   Who knew?  We had not been sick at all in the past year – except for that little “cold symptoms” time period before Christmas.  

And what did you hear all the way through the COVID times?  Yes, immune-compromised people were at the greatest risk.  Keeping our immune system strong is our best defense.

To be totally clear, I must add the warnings Kriss Berg properly added to his article.  First, these are effective but not one-size-fits all but if you understand what natural antibiotics can do, you are better equipped in your wellness journey.

Next, he gave insights on dosage and preparation – these are wise to follow.  

And importantly, he added that you should always check for potential interactions with medications you are taking or pre-existing health conditions.  Some natural antibiotics can be potent blood thinners while others might interfere with medications.  So he goes to the proverbial warning to always consult with your healthcare provider before going full steam ahead.  

For me, I just don’t want to have to figure it all out as to preparation and dosage, etc.  That is probably why Killer Biotic is my choice – it has done all the work (that I am not willing to do) for me.  If you want to check it out further, go to  Killer Biotic Fx® – 60 capsules (

Meanwhile, I am going to keep doing the things I know are boosting my immune system.  And yep, I heard this one the other day, and quickly tried it out.  When craving a sweet, instead of going the candy bar route, take a small teaspoon of honey and savor it in a couple of bites/swallows.  Of course, there is a limit to frequency (darn it) and common sense needs to kick in.

Here’s to boosting immune systems!  I’m right there with you!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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