I am writing this as I sit in a hospice in-patient room with my dear friend who can no longer tell me her stories to fill in the blank pages in her Life Story photobook. She started it when she took my Life Story course — I was cheering her on. She recorded some of her key points in the Master Script I directed students to complete.

Then life got busy and interfered a lot.

But at some point she made it to one of my 3-day local retreats! Hurray! She was so glad she created many pages in her Life Story book while we were there. I was excited for her – we celebrated that. She left the weekend totally dedicated to finishing it.

Then life got busy and interfered a lot.

Oh, how many conversations we had about getting together to work on her Life Story. Then the computer was lost for a time. It appeared again and she thought she would be able to work on her story again. I checked back in during our next time together (we often went to lunch or chatted on the phone) and she knew she needed to work on it. After all, she had a terminal diagnosis that was quite sobering.

Then life got busy and interfered a lot.

And now we are in the hospice facility — and I have her computer. I find the pages she created — beautiful pictures, but little to no words accompany them. Who are these people? What is happening in this one?

I turn to her brother, her grown children, and my own knowledge (after years of friendship and trips to the Family History Library together where we researched her ancestors). We piece together what we think is correct, but there are many pieces and parts that are missing. Only she can fill them in.

At this point, we have the barest of communication with her — she is trying to share her faith story with me but can only get a few phrases out before she drifts off into medicated sleep. I fear it is now lost — maybe we will find some written notes in her papers at a later time. I pray for that. I kick myself for not pushing harder when we were together on our lunch/dinner times. I could have recorded it on my phone. I could have done so many other options.

But life got busy and interfered a lot.

My sorrow about not inspiring and bringing about more action on her Life Story when it was possible is exacerbated by the reactions of her kids and grandkids as they see the photos in her FOREVER account that were put there in anticipation of doing her Life Story. I share the photos and they LOVE the pictures of her in her childhood, teens, twenties, and ask dozens of questions. These will not be answered — only my friend could do that.

I have filled in the facts and some details which family offered — but it is woefully inadequate. But we do have the photos and some of the basic info. It will have to do. Future generations will hopefully get a bit of the special story of my very special friend.

I know you “get my point” here. I hope and pray you will be spurred on to action. I celebrate those who have completed their Life Story photobook and want to shout from the rooftops — “YOU CAN DO THIS!” Now, not later.

And even if life is busy and interferes a lot.

Just hit reply and tell me you want to be notified of the start of my Life Story course. I am totally motivated to help you FINISH it — trust me on that!

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