

Digging Deeper

While my salvation story occurred during a “good ole revival” in my small West Texas town’s First Baptist Church, and I was baptized (fully dunked) around the age of 8, my relationship “walk” with the Lord did not begin until I was 41. In the early years, my family did not read or consult the

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Your Body Speaks

My blog rotates between the topical focus of HEART (photos & memories), BODY (physical) and SOUL (spiritual).  It is based on Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”  Because we are multi-faceted beings, each area is of importance to us.  And

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The Price of Busy

I am writing this as I sit in a hospice in-patient room with my dear friend who can no longer tell me her stories to fill in the blank pages in her Life Story photobook. She started it when she took my Life Story course — I was cheering her on. She recorded some of

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Your Body’s Glue

Glue?  Seriously?  Yes, I have done a few blogs on this topic and it is time to revisit (and remind ourselves about) our all-important “glue” – collagen. You hear a lot more about it these days than even 3 years ago when I was blogging about it.   Collagen is found throughout our body.  It’s a

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Here I am again trying to explain (to myself? to the ether?) why I am not finished with my very important photobook project.  One I am so desiring to have completed, and so motivated, I thought, to get DONE!  And I started it oh-so-long ago….aaarrrggghh! What’s the problem? I think the Filing Fairies who have

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Digging for Love

As I started helping people in conflict work to reconcile, I knew what steps needed to be taken and what words and actions needed to appear in that process.  But getting to the place where “they” recognized what needed to be done with regard to their own contribution to the problems was the big obstacle

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Salty Advice

“Where food meets faith” is the opening for a blog I want to feature here.  Isabel D. Price is related to a dear friend of mine – so that is how I learned of her email blog “New Life Promise”. She regularly reminds her readers that faith-focused food is all about finding nourishment.   Although

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Savoring the Photos

It’s graduation season – and if it were not that, it could be wedding season or holiday season or new babies season (yep, that is every day!) or any other occasion where photos abound!  Everyone is snapping photos, texting them to each other, sharing them on social media.   My first grandchild is graduating from high

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Are You an Intercessor?

Intercessor is kind of a big word that I just skipped on by not thinking I would ever need to know about it.   I thought it was something only a few folks were “called” to do.   But then a dear friend of mine who moved far away with his wife to be close to

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What Do I Do With All This Stuff?

What stuff?  It’s all the family history stuff – you know, letters, documents, obituaries, funeral guest books, Bibles, photos, media (VHS, super 8 film, audio cassettes, etc.), family tree sheets (half-completed by some unknown person), newspaper clippings, annuals, and the list goes on and on. Maybe you are the Family Historian by choice – active

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.