
historian, geneology, family tree, family history bootcamp, candy mccune

STOP Adding Names to Your Family Tree

What?  STOP adding names to my family tree?   I thought that was the point of genealogy work, isn’t it?   Aren’t we all trying to find out if we have descended from a European King or have some link to royalty somewhere?  Why should I STOP? When I was in my 20’s, pre-kids, living in

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How Now Shall We Live?

OK, New Year’s resolutions, and the month of January have passed.  More frequently this year I heard people saying they don’t even set those types of resolutions anymore — and certainly heard lots of speculation about the average amount of time a New Year’s resolution is actually kept. Sure enough, Mick at his blog at

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Some is Better than None

In previous blogs I shared about the Callanetics routine that I do at least 5 days a week – shooting for 6.   And during a nagging joint pain period of time, (also a time when I had slacked on the Callanetics), I added the special exercises from a Thai massage person who was helping identify

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Captured – And Buried

In an article by Andy Zahn addressing how to clean up and organize your photos, he describes perfectly our dilemma: Most people enjoy capturing photos, but few take any pleasure in the labor-intensive task of getting them into any kind of order on computers or other devices. However, just as spring cleaning your house or

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Running Wild

Yep, this is the week to focus on SOUL work – and yep, “running wild” is addressed in the Bible.  Seriously. Why talk about this now?  You will never guess how this pairs up with all the “goal-setting” and resolutions and 2024 planning that is going on right now.  It certainly took me by surprise

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Peppermint – Not Just Your Ordinary Candy

What comes to mind when you hear “peppermint”?  Candy canes? (okay, we are still close to Christmas)  Type of chewing gum?  Peppermint patty? I suspect we have all underrated the value of pure “peppermint”.  I have, and I took courses in the essential oils plus have the definitive “book” on foundational aromatherapy.  Just needed a

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Digital vs Print

I love it when someone organizes the points perfectly and uses descriptive wording to express EXACTLY what I think!  So there is no re-inventing the wheel for me – I will just tag on some of my experience and thoughts. The blog that caught my eye was titled “Why Digital Photo Albums are a Million

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Idols of Christmas

“Our society is as idolatrous as Paul’s was” says Henry Blackaby in his devotional written in 1998.     How could that be?  When I think of idols, I think of those statues and temples built in Biblical times.  Like the Golden Calf statue.  Remember?  Aaron claimed he threw the people’s gold “into the fire” and “out

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Forever Chemicals

“ ‘Forever chemicals’ are in the products we use, food we eat, and water we drink.” A quote from Kevin Loria in his article for Consumer Reports titled “How to Avoid PFAS”.   So – who cares?  And what the heck is a PFAS?  Never heard of this – can’t they just leave us alone? Unfortunately,

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Family Historian By Choice or Default

So what is a “family historian”? Fun fact – Merriam-Webster does not have a definition for family historian.  And that is our usual “go to” source, right?   Well, trust me, in my years of doing photo scrapbooking as a hobby and later as a business, I have run into many family historians – and they

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.