

The Best Gift

Blackaby’s devotional described exactly the kind of person I love to be around – “Some people know just what to say and do to encourage others who are going through difficult times.  Their words give strength to those who are discouraged and comfort to those who are grieving.  These people are sensitive to God’s voice. 

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Just about a year ago, I did a blog on my “GoTo” kit because a ‘Super cold’ was going around – it was not COVID or the flu.  In fact, I had been at a retreat in the mountains and more than one person was either experiencing it or just recently had it or felt

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Second Chance Memories

Do you take videos on your phone?  On your DSLR camera or camcorder?  Special events like weddings and baby’s first steps are the usual topics – but what about that quick video of a special friend, family get-together or just ordinary kids playing in the newly fallen snow? And who has super 8 movies, VHS

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Consistency Conquers Incontinence

How often do you hear someone say they didn’t want to drink anything on the plane, or in the last hours before bedtime, or other occasions, “because I don’t want to have to go to the bathroom” on the plane, in the night, on a long car ride…or whatever? Did you know – “dehydration is

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How do YOU Want to be Remembered?

How do YOU want to be remembered or known by future generations?  And WHAT do you want them to remember about you? This hit me when I saw the early picture of my grandmother taken before she was married.  It had been in my mother’s big dresser drawer where she pitched all photos – yes,

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Essential to Health

When did you first realize that nutrition is essential to health? I didn’t really put the two together until 2014 when I was in my late 60’s.  And if it was in the “news” before, I guess I just missed it or didn’t pay much attention.  Not on my radar. Sure, I grew up with

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The Reality of Photos

I love this photo of my grandfather (on far right) in the back of a car dealership where he was a mechanic (originally, he worked as a blacksmith and then switched to working on cars – for the rest of his work life).  On the back, in his handwriting, it’s dated 1928 and given a

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Believe in God’s Love

The greatest truth in all of Scripture is this:  God is love.  So says Henry Blackaby in his devotional book. And we hear it so often, and I can say it to others, but have we really embraced that one MAJOR fact? Here’s a good scripture to chew on –  “And we have come to

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“As adults, many of us envy how easy it is for kids to have fun and find joy in almost anything they do.  But the truth is, we ourselves have the same opportunities that kids do to enjoy every day.”   This lead line in Rocio Ramos’ blog caught my eye. (She posts on the Youngevity

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It’s About Time

To redeem something means to buy it back, to regain possession of it, says the dictionary and my typical thinking about that word.  So I was questioning the wording of the Ephesians 5:15-17 passage as I learned it in the King James Version:  See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.