

Back Off You Biting Bugs 

It’s that time of year again – and I am back in my least-favorite position.   Don’t know if you are like me, but I am usually the first in the crowd chosen by those annoying gnats or biting bugs like mosquitoes and even horseflies (they have a stinging bite). So I am pulling out my

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Traveling?  Consider this…

Maybe you already know this and have it handled.  But if you don’t, I think you would really appreciate knowing about it. Do you travel out of the country?  Or have plans to do so?  Or do you expect to go in the future? If so, have you dealt with “traveler’s diarrhea”?   Ugh, Candy,

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Healthy Aging

An article caught my eye when it mentioned growing up in the 1950s — I can relate to that period.  But at that time, I was focused on growing older only in terms of getting to high school (it’s all relative, right?).   And, of course, the huge importance placed on reaching 21 was the next

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AI is like “All Y’All”

OK – AI is all the rage.  Yet I am feeling hesitantly skeptical.  Maybe you have dug into it – or not – and you see great potential.  Or great danger.  Well, like it or not, it is here and spreading wildly.   AI = artificial intelligence.  Official definition – the ability of a computer or

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The Healthy Alternative Author Has More….

Recently, after blogging about sugar (“By Any Other Name”), I shared a couple of video clips from my interview of friend and author, Nicolette Dumke.  When allergies threatened the health and happiness of not only her early life but that of her son Joel, she set to work creating food recipes to work around allergies

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There IS a Healthy Alternative

A few weeks ago I blogged about sugar (“By Any Other Name”…click HERE to read it).  Actually, I was focused on the “added sugar” problems and truly encouraged reading labels in order to eliminate or highly reduce the fructose in added sugars which is linked to some major health issues.  Not to mention how toxic

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By Any Other Name

A popular adage prompts my title and focus in this blog – “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” from Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet.  Juliet is arguing that it does not matter that Romeo is from her family’s rival – the house of Montague.   Whatever his name, she loves him.  So

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Move It – or Lose It

Moving your body is the best thing you can do for it. And let’s face it – our lives are structured in a way today that makes it very easy to avoid movement.  We sit in cars on the way to…wherever.  We sit at our desks/computers for much of the day.  When at home, we

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How’s Your Police Department?

Hey – this is a blog about health – so why call the police? Because I was having so many conversations with people struggling with flu season stuff, prolonged colds, and just general run-down health.  We ended up talking about the “immune system” repeatedly.  In my thinking, which was similar to many others, I want

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I Want to Fix THIS — NOW!

I see this so often – and I suspect you recognize it, too. An email scroll catches my attention – next to an engaging photo in big letters, it says “Do THIS 1 hour before bed to pee out stubborn fat in the morning”.  OK, I HAVE to glance quickly through to see if this

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.