

Mythbusting Cholesterol

  I heard it again in a conversation with friends – and it shows up in ads and health discussions.  And yes, I battled my M.D. over this in the last years before he retired (and I have now moved on to a more naturopathic clinic). And it is my own personal opinion this issue

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What’s Essential About Selenium?

When I share with folks that Dr. Wallach, founder of Youngevity, says everyone needs 90 “Essential Nutrients” going into their body every day – I have to define “Essential”.   In the health context, it means it is a nutrient required for proper functioning of your body — but your body cannot produce it.  It has

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TRAUMA – I’ve Got An Oil for That!

It actually started back when my granddaughter was first playing softball – of course I was there — and taking soooo many photos and enjoying the families and fun.  You guessed it – pre-COVID.  Several years ago. One of the player’s little sisters was on the sideline where all the younger siblings were enjoying games

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A Trip Down Covid Lane

What a wonderful mountain retreat with my photoalbum buddies!  Working…sharing…teaching each other new methods and tips…laughing…learning.  Ooops, one had to go home early – she was not feeling well.  Sadly, the text comes back within 24 hours that the Covid test was positive.  We all lift her up in prayer. Finish the retreat and return

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Put Me In Coach

Watching my granddaughter’s softball games (or any of my gkids playing sports) is awesome fun.  Seeing the amazing amount of enthusiasm and effort they put into it – PLUS, how did she learn that whole pitch routine and get her body to stretch and perform like that?  It’s a basic answer – she needed a

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I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing!

OK – the official celebration of Christmas via stuffed turkeys and stuffed meal participants has now passed for most people.  Hopefully, the major focus of the celebration was on the birth of Christ.  But did you notice this verse? “An angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying “Get up! Take

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Energy – Can I Just Bottle Some?

OK – true confession – as a gaggle of little 3-year-olds race past me laughing and jumping, what is the first thought that comes to mind right after smiling at how cute they are?  Bet I am not the only one, too – I say inwardly, “Wow, could I just bottle some of that energy?”

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What’s My Wellness Paradigm?

As I am developing the Journey Well: Heart, Body & Soul website, I have identified the 3 areas of transformation that are my focus. The first one that inspired me to start down this road is the Body (or Health) area. Following my photo hobby, I just happened to end up involved in a “health

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Just Like Your Dad

“You are just like your dad!” Now that was a phrase that my mom used to hurl at me when frustrated by something I had done.  Like join multiple organizations at school plus get invited to activities with friends that involved needing a ride either to school or a friend’s house.  She was an introvert,

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Your Choice

“The Christian life is not difficult”  –this Henry Blackaby quote got my attention quickly. I realize my topic this time is “Body” – you know, health.  Then again, as I have said all the way through creating this Journey Well website, we are multifaceted beings.  And I offer 3 distinct areas of transformation because when

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.