

Your Choice

“The Christian life is not difficult”  –this Henry Blackaby quote got my attention quickly. I realize my topic this time is “Body” – you know, health.  Then again, as I have said all the way through creating this Journey Well website, we are multifaceted beings.  And I offer 3 distinct areas of transformation because when

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Have KIT – Will Travel

OK, I know I am showing my age, but remember the TV show “Have Gun Will Travel”?   (for you youngsters… the star was a professional gunfighter named Paladin, a West Point graduate who, after the Civil War, settled into San Francisco’s Hotel Carlton, where he awaited responses to his business card: over the picture of

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Free Radicals – Good or Bad

It depends…. (OK, thanks for the lawyer answer)…  My first thought is “Good” because I was a 20-something year old hippie in the early 70’s – yes, I have the pictures to prove it but I won’t show them (fear of blackmail).  What did you expect?  I lived in Boulder!  And yes, we were “free” – in fact that

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What I Didn’t Tell You About Collagen Choices

A few weeks ago, I did a Blog on “Why Collagen Doesn’t Work & Ages You Faster”  — mimicking a great marketing headline.  The point was that collagen products with only one type of collagen in the ingredients were the more typical purchase by people shopping in stores.  But you need all 5 types for

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Why Collagen Doesn’t Work & Ages You Faster

Yeah…bet that got your attention!   It sure did catch me when I saw it as the headline in my email from a health site. But as I read on – it really fit and made sense.  And was quite clever….so I am shamelessly copying their super idea here.   The first line asked if you have

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What? I have Covid Antibodies!

How did that happen? No, I did not officially have Covid….nor did I even think I ever had it. But a few weeks ago, I went to donate blood.  Upon a naturopath’s recommendation, I do that once a year.  Nowadays they automatically run a check on donated blood looking for Covid antibodies – seems they

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Gluten Schmuten – Who Cares?

When you hear someone eats “gluten-free”  – what do you think? Do you think “Hey, I am not allergic to gluten, so…” Or do you think “Only a few people need to avoid gluten, so…” Or do you think “It’s too much trouble, and I love pastry, so…” So….what’s the problem with these responses? First

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A while back I surveyed you as to your biggest question regarding nutritional health – especially as it related to Youngevity.  The top ones came to the same general focus:  ·      Why Youngevity?  How is it different? ·      Why is Youngevity better than something I can buy in the health food store or Costco? ·      What makes Youngevity stand

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What is “chewing up” my bones?

There is a process constantly going on in our body – and as we age, the word we fear hearing is “osteoporosis”.  What is it – exactly?  And should I fear it? Dr. Glidden’s book “Attempt A Cure” has a section explaining “osteoporosis”.  I appreciated the clarity – and I have drilled it down even

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Most everyone knows we need vitamins and minerals and Dr. Wallach has demonstrated that they are not sufficiently in our food – so we purchase them and start supplementing.  Good. Whether you take over-the-counter “chelated mineral supplements” (absorption rate about 40%) or Youngevity “colloidal” minerals (absorption rate increases to 98%) – your main question is still “how do

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.