

028 What’s a MICROBIOME and Why Do I Care?

I like to live on the edge of Oblivion – there is just too much info in the world today, and considering the Google function on my phone – I can only handle so much, you know? So when a word comes into view – like “microbiome” – and it sounds a little like chemistry class

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027 Have You Had Your Metals Today?

What’s the picture that pops into your mind?   Items like copper wire, a tin can or an actual nickel?  Or lead-based paint?  Or valuables like gold, silver, platinum in raw form?  These kind of jump into my mind – but the wording of the heading implies that you would eat or ingest these metals, right? 

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025 Dontcha Hate Alarming Statistics

Dontcha HATE Alarming Statistics? I do!  Why?  Because they ALARM me…I get worried, nervous, and begin wondering if I am at risk or included in them. Or I get suspicious that someone is setting me up to sell me something.  So I shut down the source of the info…and quickly move to something more fun

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024 My Body Can Fix Itself?

Who says?  Dr. Peter Glidden (and Dr. Joel Wallach).  In fact, in Glidden’s book* he says the fundamental premise of naturopathic medicine is the following: Your body knows how to fix itself. Your body wants to fix itself. Your body is trying to fix itself right now. Our job is to apply the therapeutics outlined by people

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023 Live to Eat…Or Eat to Live?

I remember something my grandfather would say on a regular basis – “I refuse to make a garbage can out of my stomach!”   Now I was a skinny middle schooler playing basketball in earnest and just thought his statement was interesting but strange.  And this was the late 50’s – when sugar was touted as

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021 Facts are a Stubborn Thing

“Facts are a stubborn thing” said Dr. Peter Glidden as he shared some that truly grabbed my attention: In 2008, 615,050 total knee replacements were performed on the United States’ adult population This was 134% increase in 9 years (since 1999) During the same time period, the overall population size increased only by 11% Prediction

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020 Have Stress?

Have Stress?  Need Sleep?  Here Ya Go…… It is amazing to me how often I hear requests for help with “stress relief” and “sleep”.  So when I saw the YGY Resource Center’s blog on this topic I had to check it out.  And sure enough, there is a relationship between these two. You won’t be surprised

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019 But What Does Rhonda Say About Health?

My journey was a continuation of following a true leader, Rhonda Anderson, from the company she co-founded, Creative Memories, to find a new home for her traditional album-making products in Youngevity in 2014.  You can find her inspiring early story in the book she published with her co-founder titled “The Creative Memories Way” charting her

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018 Good Health? Sure…But It’s All Overwhelming!

 As I shared previously, I followed my photo-album-making friends and leaders into this company (Youngevity) five years ago.   My pronouncement to everyone echoed the same sentiment as most of my friends – “Don’t talk to me about that nutrition stuff, I am just here for memory keeping in photo albums – that’s my passion.” And

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014 Whoa! Butter is Good but Olive Oil is Not?

Five years ago when I started taking the Youngevity nutritional supplements, called the “90forLife”, I did NOT have an ideal diet.   OK, confession is good for the soul – my “ideal” breakfast was driving through the Burger King and getting a big sausage biscuit along with my humongous Diet Dr. Pepper.  I could then motor

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.