

013 Does Your Mother’s Day Gift Pass The Health Test?

Do you have a traditional Mother’s Day gift you give?  Or receive? My family and friends know I LOVE chocolate – and frankly, I am not alone in this!!  But now I am into nutrition, cleaning up my diet and focusing on good health.  Especially since I have had such great results doing it –

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010 Part 2: Essential Oils

Part 1 was titled “Essential Oils are Like Riding a Bike” – my point was that you don’t learn to ride a bike just by reading about it, or listening to someone tell you about it, you have to get on it and ride it – you learn by doing.   Same with Essential Oils…. So today, in

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006 Part 2 of 3 THE 2ND BIG MISTAKE [almost] EVERYONE MAKES

This is the second in our series of three Big Mistakes [almost] Everyone Makes as they try to achieve better health. Last week we looked at why “Assuming that by eating healthy, you will, therefore, BE healthy” was an inaccurate assumption. The next assumption we may not even be aware we are making is this:

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005 Part 1 of 3 A BIG MISTAKE [almost] EVERYONE MAKES

Our health is vital to our everyday lives, even those of us who have been researching and taking our health very seriously make 1 or all of these 3 mistakes on a regular basis! I know, scary right? Well, today we are going to address a big mistake people tend to make and what we

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004 Intentionality Conquered Incontinence

Hi, Candy McCune here I have heard from many of you (including males) that bladder control is an issue.   This “health gem”, as one of you named my blogs, shares the details (graphic but true) that may provide you with the good results I had.  Even though almost half of all women leak urine at some point

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002 Cold and Flu Season Kit

STOP giving in to your cold and flu season symptoms…these will support your immune system It is cold and flu season and we all have been traveling this time of year then getting back to school and work and around LOTS of people.  At some point, we find that sniffling, drippy nose or stuffy sinus

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001 You are in my Downline…WHAT?

You’re on my team….what? Hi, Candy McCune here. Yes, you are in my Youngevity downline so you are on my team. How did that happen? How does that benefit you? Click on the video for a quick explanation and two free downloads below. Here are the downloads: Did You Know YGY Has Powerful New Hemp

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.