
historian, geneology, family tree, family history bootcamp, candy mccune

STOP Adding Names to Your Family Tree

What?  STOP adding names to my family tree?   I thought that was the point of genealogy work, isn’t it?   Aren’t we all trying to find out if we have descended from a European King or have some link to royalty somewhere?  Why should I STOP? When I was in my 20’s, pre-kids, living in

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Captured – And Buried

In an article by Andy Zahn addressing how to clean up and organize your photos, he describes perfectly our dilemma: Most people enjoy capturing photos, but few take any pleasure in the labor-intensive task of getting them into any kind of order on computers or other devices. However, just as spring cleaning your house or

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Digital vs Print

I love it when someone organizes the points perfectly and uses descriptive wording to express EXACTLY what I think!  So there is no re-inventing the wheel for me – I will just tag on some of my experience and thoughts. The blog that caught my eye was titled “Why Digital Photo Albums are a Million

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Family Historian By Choice or Default

So what is a “family historian”? Fun fact – Merriam-Webster does not have a definition for family historian.  And that is our usual “go to” source, right?   Well, trust me, in my years of doing photo scrapbooking as a hobby and later as a business, I have run into many family historians – and they

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Second Chance Memories

Do you take videos on your phone?  On your DSLR camera or camcorder?  Special events like weddings and baby’s first steps are the usual topics – but what about that quick video of a special friend, family get-together or just ordinary kids playing in the newly fallen snow? And who has super 8 movies, VHS

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How do YOU Want to be Remembered?

How do YOU want to be remembered or known by future generations?  And WHAT do you want them to remember about you? This hit me when I saw the early picture of my grandmother taken before she was married.  It had been in my mother’s big dresser drawer where she pitched all photos – yes,

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The Reality of Photos

I love this photo of my grandfather (on far right) in the back of a car dealership where he was a mechanic (originally, he worked as a blacksmith and then switched to working on cars – for the rest of his work life).  On the back, in his handwriting, it’s dated 1928 and given a

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It’s About Time

To redeem something means to buy it back, to regain possession of it, says the dictionary and my typical thinking about that word.  So I was questioning the wording of the Ephesians 5:15-17 passage as I learned it in the King James Version:  See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

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Your great great grand-daughter (or great grand-niece) may have a picture of you which was saved by someone along the way.  If she’s lucky, someone wrote your name on the back of it, or in a photobook.  And hopefully, they identified where you were in the family tree.  But what will she know about you?  

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YOU are Someone’s Ancestor

Yes, YOU!  You are someone’s ancestor – either through children or nieces and nephews or whatever future generations are linked to you.  And that includes adoptive or step families.   But here is my main question to you – what will those future generations know about you? As I am preparing for the next round of

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.