

How Did You Get to School Each Day?

In a recent blog, I introduced you to Leslie Leyland Fields’ book Your Story Matters:  Finding, Writing, and Living the Truth of Your Life.   Why?  Partly because she is great at pulling the written story out of us – amazing, actually. But more to the point, here is how I answered her questions on this

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Spiritual Markers

“Spiritual memory is crucial in the Christian life.”  Quote from Henry Blackaby.  Makes my heart sing. Why?  As I guide people to capture the essence of their life-story in a photobook, I am convinced that one of the most important parts I can encourage them to include is looking at the key crossroads in their

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Your Story Matters

As I am pulling together the last tweaks to my updated course helping people capture their Life-Story in a photobook, I go back to an early inspiration that kicked me down this path in a huge swoosh forward movement.   It’s a book — Your Story Matters:  Finding, Writing, and Living the Truth of Your Life 

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Who’s Counting on You to Tell the Story?

Sure – you can say “not me” all you want, but let’s dig a little deeper.   How would you reply to these questions: As I developed a system for a guided online course to help people capture their Life-Story photobook as quickly as possible, I heard interesting responses.  Oh, yes, everyone agreed they would like

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The First Step in Your Story

Yes you do!  You have a story to tell – the one that captures the spirit and essence of your life lived to this point.   OK, I heard that response – have heard it from others as well.  Your story IS important and it DOES matter.  You just have not given the telling of it

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You Need a Recipe PLUS

Confession – I am not a very good cook.  And I REALLY need a recipe if there is any hope of the result being edible.  But this blog is not really about food. Although when I think of “recipe”, I think of my gourmet cook grandmother whose handwritten recipes my sister saved (and copied for

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The Day I Killed the Christmas Cactus

OK, before you judge me as heartless, read on.  (Yes, this is my Heart blog rotation of topics – awesome.) It is still an amazement to me how “busy” I am at this season of my life.  So I walk through the “Getting Things Done” (by David Allen) process trying to somehow get down to

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Don’t Die With Your Story Still In You

Oh my!  I just did it.  I brought up what no one wants to talk about – dying. But honestly, as I pulled together my course “Create A Life-Story in 3 Easy Steps Without the Overwhelm”, I not only heard but witnessed the reality that talking about a life ending, or death, is soooo uncomfortable

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.