

Answered Before Asked

OK, I will just “fess up” right now.  I am one of those annoying people who, when in a hurry, will blurt out the rest of the sentence, or thought, or whatever someone else is trying to say — and they are perhaps taking just a little too long to say it, evidently, in my

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Step By Step

You’re in a hurry. You need to know what this story is about. Stat. OK, OK. It’s about impatience. And, so you don’t have to wade through the whole thing, here is the last sentence of the story: In other words, imprudence, not impatience, is the problem. C U L8R The above is the opening

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Skip the Hardship

Can’t we just skip the hardship, get the lesson learned and over with, and move on? Yep – that has been my prayer (often).  ‘Fess up – have you done the same? I know that “godliness” and “persecution” have not paired up easily in my way of thinking.  Actually, Henry Blackaby in his devotional laid

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Digging Deeper

While my salvation story occurred during a “good ole revival” in my small West Texas town’s First Baptist Church, and I was baptized (fully dunked) around the age of 8, my relationship “walk” with the Lord did not begin until I was 41. In the early years, my family did not read or consult the

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Digging for Love

As I started helping people in conflict work to reconcile, I knew what steps needed to be taken and what words and actions needed to appear in that process.  But getting to the place where “they” recognized what needed to be done with regard to their own contribution to the problems was the big obstacle

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Are You an Intercessor?

Intercessor is kind of a big word that I just skipped on by not thinking I would ever need to know about it.   I thought it was something only a few folks were “called” to do.   But then a dear friend of mine who moved far away with his wife to be close to

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The Best Bread Ever

Did your kids have a habit of saying “best ever”?  Like “best brownies ever” or “best vacation ever” or “best bike ever”?    I find myself in that groove, too.  Always searching for the “best ever” in recipes, fix-it’s, gifts, photos and family stories – whatever subject you name. And when I started eating gluten free,

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Who Do You Trust?

Let’s go at this a bit differently, ok?  At first glance, when you see “who do you trust”, you may start searching through your list of “mom” “dad” “close friend” “attorney” etc., evaluating each one. But let me re-direct you for a moment.  Back to when someone you thought you could trust actually failed you. 

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Biblical HR

No—this is not an oxymoron!  And yes, the “HR” stands for Human Resources, as in the department in our organizations that handles the difficult personnel management issues. The book which inspired this blog is Biblical HR:  Applying Eternal Truths to Everyday Work by Brett Billups.  All I can say is you MUST buy this book

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Who’s Your Reprover?

What the heck is a reprover? And why am I implying everyone needs one? Good questions – same ones I had as I read Brian Noble’s devotional from “Daily Wisdom for Peacemaking”.  His scripture from Proverbs seemed rather obscure to me: “Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.