

How Now Shall We Live?

OK, New Year’s resolutions, and the month of January have passed.  More frequently this year I heard people saying they don’t even set those types of resolutions anymore — and certainly heard lots of speculation about the average amount of time a New Year’s resolution is actually kept. Sure enough, Mick at his blog at

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Running Wild

Yep, this is the week to focus on SOUL work – and yep, “running wild” is addressed in the Bible.  Seriously. Why talk about this now?  You will never guess how this pairs up with all the “goal-setting” and resolutions and 2024 planning that is going on right now.  It certainly took me by surprise

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Idols of Christmas

“Our society is as idolatrous as Paul’s was” says Henry Blackaby in his devotional written in 1998.     How could that be?  When I think of idols, I think of those statues and temples built in Biblical times.  Like the Golden Calf statue.  Remember?  Aaron claimed he threw the people’s gold “into the fire” and “out

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The Best Gift

Blackaby’s devotional described exactly the kind of person I love to be around – “Some people know just what to say and do to encourage others who are going through difficult times.  Their words give strength to those who are discouraged and comfort to those who are grieving.  These people are sensitive to God’s voice. 

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Believe in God’s Love

The greatest truth in all of Scripture is this:  God is love.  So says Henry Blackaby in his devotional book. And we hear it so often, and I can say it to others, but have we really embraced that one MAJOR fact? Here’s a good scripture to chew on –  “And we have come to

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Life’s Seasons

Maybe it is just because I have been working on the revised Life-Story course about to be released.  But I am acutely aware of the aging issue.   In looking back over my 75+ years as have done my own “review” and guiding others to write their stories, pull together their photos, memories, insights and life-shaping

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Testing, Testing

Testing!  Final exams!  Pop quiz!  Do those words bring back bad memories of school days when you were facing tests at various intervals – some known and some “surprise” ones?   Does for me.   And who hasn’t observed a toddler who was told not to touch something that was “hot” or forbidden?  As soon as the

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Should I Mind My Own Business

Who brought this up for me?  I could say “Henry Blackaby” because of a recent devotional of his.   But the truth is that it came up again – I observed someone not being fully truthful about something because they “just didn’t want to get involved”.    Blackaby says “One of the Christian’s greatest deterrents from sin

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Joy is a Choice?

Joy is a choice?  Boy, that sure goes against the grain of our worldly thinking! If you asked a dozen people if they would rather choose joy than it’s opposite, I bet they would all instantly say “of course” – as would I. But think about the ads you see everywhere – “this will bring

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Who Comes First – Me or You?

Seriously – who comes first?  Is it me or you?   Trust me, I know many of us are instantly hearing the worldly thinking so prevalent today which encourages us to live our own life and take care of our own needs and wants first. If you doubt me on this, just search online for “take

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.