

What’s Your Mission?

A mission is a special assignment given to a person or group – says the dictionary.  My immediate thought is of either an aerospace mission or a military/combat mission.  Neither are on my radar or in my history. Until Henry Blackaby got hold of me (via his devotional that gives me a daily challenge), I

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Help My Unbelief

“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”    Say what?  How can you have belief AND unbelief.  Isn’t that an impossibility?  And who would say this – with such fervency? And why is this important? OK, confession, I realized that I do this over and over again.  Maybe you recognize this in your life,

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What’s So Golden About a Rule?

Remember hearing about the “Golden Rule”?  Seems parents and school teachers in my day used it a lot, generally quoted like this: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When I checked the phrase on the internet, I found this info:   “it is closely associated with Christian ethics though its

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Wisdom Leads to Joy

OK – “whose” wisdom are we talking about?  Yes, it is a specific source – God’s Wisdom. When I saw this blog, I HAD TO read it.  And now I MUST share it.  It was just what I needed and maybe it is timely for you as well. From Cheree Hayes & BibleProject Team came

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“God keeps every promise He makes.”  So says Henry Blackaby in his Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional. OK, so where’s that “peace” He promised?  And all those “things” I asked for after reading He would give what I asked.  Or is that exactly what it said in scripture?  Maybe I need to check it

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Put Your Shoes On

Blackaby did it again to me.  Turned my thinking inside out and made a great point I needed. Here’s the big point & his statement –  “We can spend many hours debating and discussing issues related to the Christian life, but this means little if we never actually step out and follow Christ.” So true

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Clay or Concrete?

Okay, some play-doh type of clay is fun to mold and contort into weird objects.  Otherwise, I am not real excited about playing around in clay.   There is the type of clay that comes to my mind from my Realtor days – bentonite.  Selling homes in Pueblo required checking for bentonite because it was an

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Spectacularly Small

It’s Christmas season – it’s spectacular in so many ways.  And Blackaby drew my attention with his statement – “The world loves the spectacular.”   So true.  In fact, it seems there is always a contest on for being “more spectacular” with each new production of an item, a movie, an idea or an event. BUT…and

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A Storytelling Bible

Have you ever wondered how those powerful stories, words, and word pictures in the Bible have made their way to us in 2022 – to impact us, lead us and guide us? After all, the first stories in Genesis are about the creation of the earth and of man – so that was a long

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Wisdom’s Children

“The world is full of ‘experts’.” Henry Blackaby caught my attention with this opening line in my daily devotional book.   He wrote this book in 1998 (updated in 2006). He probably did not consult “Google” or the internet before writing this statement.  In fact, what was the status of the internet in 1998? Only

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.