

Dealing with Hurt

I met Lain Ehmann in a “breakthrough” session with her on the focus and wording for my online business – Journey Well:  Heart Body & Soul.  Her credentials in the copywriting field include working with Tony Robbins. To my delight, I found her to be a strong, thoughtful and wise Christian.  Thus, I later started

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Repairing Relationships

Tim Keller’s podcast using this title caught my attention – it’s what I have spent years studying, engaging and practicing as well as trying to find the best ways to walk alongside folks in broken relationships. While I recommend you listen to his full podcast, I extracted core pieces here which rang so true for

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How’s Your Perfection Coming?

OK, remember “The Fonz”?  That’s Fonzie from the TV series “Happy Days”.  Never was there a character that was more perfect (in his own mind).  He was a 1950’s lovable and almost superhuman greaser who provided us so many laughs. I actually watched and can visualize this scene as it unfolded  – Fonzie whips out

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I Choose…

Attitudes do not just happen:  we CHOOSE them.  Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God Day by Day, hit me with this statement recently – and the timing (end of year, look back time, set goals for next year) was right when I needed it. But I was about to brush it off with a glance just thinking

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Not Quarrelsome?

“There should be no quarrelsome Christians.” What?  Are you kidding? Nope, this is a quote from Henry Blackaby – and the non-quote responses were mine as I read it.  Do you have the same reaction?  Like, how in the world can I, as a Christian, live up to THAT requirement? And is that really what

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Hopelessness & Thanksgiving

Really?  You want to bring up “hopelessness” when Thanksgiving week is coming up? What’s the deal?                                                   OK, originally I was writing a blog on hopelessness because it was on my heart — so many situations were popping up around me of people struggling with despair.  And I wanted to give “hope” in those places. Henry

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What’s Blocking My Joy?

You know when it hits:  doldrums, dragging through the day, looking in the mirror to see if you really have turned into Eeyore* since it sure feels like it on the inside. Eeyore* — a fictional character in Winnie-the-Pooh books generally characterized as a pessimistic, gloomy, depressed old grey stuffed donkey…. whom we all love

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The Heart Condition

In every mediation I have done, I am, in the first stages of the process, looking for clues to a couple of important pieces that will guide my work with them:  1st:  The level of spiritual understanding of the parties and 2nd: The condition of their heart (not the physical health, but spiritual) Why do

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It’s Just Not Fair

“One of the hardest areas in which to trust God is in the matter of justice.”  Henry Blackaby absolutely ‘nails it’ in his devotional book “Experiencing God Day by Day”.  As a Certified Christian Conciliator© for 20+ years, I can affirm that one of the most frequent obstacles to people being able to reconcile broken relationships has been

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Desires of Our Heart – Danger or Joy?

What if I said “both”? One of the helpful exercises I do with people in conflict involves walking through James 4:1-4 which explains “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it.” As we follow the scripture together, I am

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Meet Candy


I'm Candy.

A lawyer by trade, and a Sherpa by choice; I draw upon my professional experience and combine valuable insight from others to help you REVITALIZE YOUR LIFE story.