Do a Life-Story Album in 3 Easy Steps

Yes …. For real….and who is this for?

  • Men as well as women
  • Newbies as well as seasoned album-makers
  • Everyone who has a life-story, or
  • Values another’s life-story

Sure…we all would love this kind of album– DONE !

But what happens?  It overwhelms us to think of doing our “whole” story – or some family member’s “whole” story, right?  You have collected so much stuff (photos, memorabilia, treasures) and it is scattered, loose, in boxes in the basement, on multiple hard drives, camera cards, devices — with few or no stories written, and no cohesion to it all.  When will we ever have time?

And so….we never get around to it.

Over the course of our lives, we collect thousands of memories that actually can be pared back and polished to tell a complete and precious life story.   It can be written but so much better is a photo album with journaling.  (A picture is worth 1,000 words, right?)  There is no way you can include all memories in a life-story photo album – too time consuming and, let’s face it, dull in a few spots!

MY GOAL:  Helping…

  • New or Seasoned album-makers
  • Have success
  • Personalizing a system which leads to
  • Completing a life-story album quickly by
  • Following a guide through 3 easy steps and
  • Becoming a habitual story saver (a.k.a. album-maker) using this system

Our joint goal – the final product:  A life in pictures and stories – an extraordinary family record that is unique and special….and doable!  Set yourself up for this project by paring it down in size and scope – and just following the 3 easy steps in this Guide.

If you are ready and willing to be one of the first “testers” of this Guide “Do A Life-Story Album in 3 Easy Steps”, just hit “reply” to this email and let me know that you are interested.  I will get in touch with you through a response email with more details.


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