OK, I know I am showing my age, but remember the TV show “Have Gun Will Travel”?  

(for you youngsters… the star was a professional gunfighter named Paladin, a West Point graduate who, after the Civil War, settled into San Francisco’s Hotel Carlton, where he awaited responses to his business card: over the picture of a chess knight is written “Have Gun, Will Travel…Wire Paladin, San Francisco.”)

The idea was that he was ready to go anywhere if he had his gun – like, if you keep your car always “stocked” with certain items because you never know when you might need them…. a few “essentials” like a windshield brush with ice scraper (winter), a small first-aid kit, a car charger for your phone, a multi-purpose blanket and maybe an umbrella.  Depending on circumstances, these could be essential.

What about your “essential oils” kit?   Nope – not “motor oil”.

For those of you who carry a bag, purse or backpack with you (male or female) when you are out for the day or on a few-days jaunt or especially on a travel trip of longer length — I have a suggested pack or KIT of Essential oils to keep with you.

“Essential oils” – remember those?  

Let me quickly review for you what an “essential oil” is:

….the fragrant life essence of a plant which has been gently extracted through the process of steam distillation or cold pressing.  This purely extracted oils is then used to restore and balance an individual’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual natures.

Essential oil bottles are small – like about 2 inches tall and hold about 10 ml (milliliters) of the essential oil.  Since you use only a drop at a time in most instances, they last a long time.  Here’s what my favs in this KIT look like and why I like them….and why I recommend them to you:

  • Y-23 Immune (for respiratory issues) – I heavily dose a cotton pad inside an inhaler with it and it lasts a long time (purchase empty inhaler case online) but it allows me to easily sniff it up my nose in order to  support my nasal breathing.
  • Trauma (amazing oil which supports relief for common minor injuries, such as fingers slammed in a door or a bump on the head, and so much more) My experience – at grandkid’s softball game a little sister was hit hard on her leg with a ball –  I used 1 drop of Trauma oil which quickly relieved her (stopped crying & off to play again within a minute or two) and later her mom said she didn’t even have a bruise develop there.  Cool.
  • Tea Tree (carried by soldiers all over the world as their medicine chest in a bottle) – its properties are being an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, decongestant and much more for so many general uses.
  • Comfort Touch (I was amazed at the effectiveness when I used a drop for a burn I got from touching side of oven, also good on scratches, bites, rashes and bruises – it was created for children)
  • GI Purify (I rub a couple of drops on my bare stomach skin in a clockwise circular motion for digestive issues, nausea & stomachaches)

The information and descriptions I share above and their properties and how they work are based on the details in the book “Foundational Aromatherapy 2nd Edition” by Leiann King, Brenda Wright & Amanda Reynolds  — I totally recommend you have a copy on hand!  

There is a free download you can check out HERE

Or you can purchase a Kindle version on Amazon.

And if you want to re-visit my 2-part blog on the full background of essential oils and how to apply and use them, here are the links to them – perhaps you can use a good but brief refresher course—

Part 1 – HERE

Part 2 – HERE

Just suggesting – make a copy of the Foundational Aromatherapy book’s info section on each oil you put in your KIT – and you are READY!!  Whether you travel across the country, across town or just keep it in your bathroom cabinet….you won’t regret having your KIT!

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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