Health & Habits Go Together

In 2014, I believed I didn’t have any health problems.  I was in my late 60’s and pretty oblivious to any “healthy living” information – figured I didn’t need it.   Nothing “broken” so why look for a fix?

OK, if you pushed me a tad, I would own that “oh, yeah, I do have one prescription”.  Years before, my M.D. put me on a thyroid medication – but didn’t just about every woman I know also have the same?  Minor issue, in my book.  Ho-hum.

And then my scrapbooking hobby led me to follow our “leader” to a new company.  They had digital scrapbooking that we had been missing.  Plus, they were going to support our “leader” in re-building her traditional scrapbooking line.  Good deal.

But this company was “WHAT?” – a health and wellness company.  Aaarrgghh!

I was not alone in rolling my eyes and telling our leader “not doing that health stuff, just doing my scrapbooking”.  And she smiled and said it was ok.

Somewhere during the first months of this transition, I watched a video training by the digital scrapbookers already in the company.  As an aside during training, several of them mentioned the great health benefits they experienced when using the natural supplements produced by the company.

OK, got my attention.  If scrapbookers say it, surely it is trustworthy.  After all, they are my people – we all support each other!

So I did what they suggested – ordered the basic Start Pak.  It came.  I took it as directed.  Amazingly, I stayed consistent with it even though I had to put strawberries in the smoothie to make the stuff palatable.  

Within a week to 10 days (I wish I had made note of when), I was about halfway through the day and realized I had not taken my ibuprofen – and that was because my thumb joints were not doing their usual throbbing act.  You see, I was up to 10-12 ibuprofen daily to keep the joint pain under control and be able to hold a pen.  No health problems, Candy? Ok, Ok – I was probably thinking I had it under control with the pills, so it’s no big deal.

Yes, an orthopedic surgeon had told me my right thumb joint would need a replacement (probably 6-8 years earlier) but he also said you could only have one in your life so hold off as long as you can.  I was “holding off” with ibuprofen.  And living in oblivion.

Sure enough, I did not need ibuprofen again — I stayed on the basic mineral-vitamin products in that start pak.  In fact, I didn’t get the ordering process mastered after the first month so I had to go several days without the supplements while waiting on delivery.  The pain was coming back!  I honestly was on the phone to them crying saying you MUST get these to me, I NEED them.   

I know, I could have taken ibuprofen but since my huge eye-opening with the supplements, I had read up on what ibuprofen was doing to my liver and my body.  Not pretty.  And yes, I have apologized to my liver since then.

Since 2014, I have become a major student of what is best for my body and how the natural supplements interact with and support my body systems.  I have added supplements as I learned about their efficacy and my body’s needs.

It is a necessary evil that I must also tell you that I learned about diet and the huge impact it has on our body and health.   I was a devoted drive-thru Burger King breakfast-eater getting that juicy sausage biscuit along with my large diet Dr. Pepper.   OMG – once I began to study what those foods/drinks were doing to my digestive system and my body, it was a sad day at Burger King!  Gluten-free, no carbonation, here I come! (And I have never looked back, thankfully)

Now, let me interject something here that I think needs to be noted – we are not all the same in how we handle our health.  There’s just not a one-size-fits-all way to do it because we are different with regard to how we change our “habits”.  And I had some major habit-changing to do – including mindset and thinking.

I did a full blog on this earlier – based on Gretchen Rubin’s book about the Four Tendencies she identified – here’s the summary from her that is relevant here:

Habits are like the invisible architecture of daily life – research suggests that about 40% of our existence is shaped by our habits….some strategies work very well for some people, and not for others, and some strategies are available to us at some times in our lives, but not at other times.

But here is her bottom-line quote that I love, and which I think “nails it”:

There is no magic, one-size-fits-all solution to changing habits.  It turns out that it’s not that hard to change your habits — when you do it in the way that’s right for you.  To change your habits, it’s crucial to identify your Tendency.

I took her quiz and found out I am a “Questioner”.  In the Four Tendencies framework, my tendency is to “do what I think is best, according to my judgment.  If it doesn’t make sense, I won’t do it.”  I am motivated by reason, logic, and like to do exhaustive research for the information I need.

It has been years since I did the initial “discovery” research about minerals, our deficiencies, the natural supplements that had never entered my world before, and much more about how my body systems worked.  Over this time, additional evidence and support have emerged so that I am very aware of the help for which my body is calling — and how to address it with the supplements.

Others of you may need to address your health issues differently.  Rebels (that is one of the 4 tendencies) – I promise I will never TELL you what to do!  (don’t want you running the other direction)  I will just put the info out there and you can make your decision.

You can check out the full blog HERE

So, what’s my point?  Whatever your tendency, whatever your habits (good and bad), I recommend you check out the minerals and natural supplements as I shared above.  Whether you think you have health issues or not – you might find the results helpful – even insightful.  Or you might discover you have been in oblivion — as I was for so many years.  And you might discover a mineral deficiency is robbing you of your good health.

In the “BODY” section of my website, I have placed a ‘mineral deficiency quiz’ – check it out and do some investigation of the natural supplements that might be just what you need.  Click HERE Or if you just want a quick zoom chat with me about your health situation, pick a time that works for you HERE

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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