How’s Your Police Department?

Hey – this is a blog about health – so why call the police?

Because I was having so many conversations with people struggling with flu season stuff, prolonged colds, and just general run-down health.  We ended up talking about the “immune system” repeatedly.  In my thinking, which was similar to many others, I want to strengthen my immune system so I can skip experiencing the health struggles just mentioned.

And it turns out I was on the right track.  

But, as often happens, I wanted to get a good understanding of what the immune system is and how I can help mine stop a cold or flu or virus in its tracks.  

Yes, the internet has a ton of articles and blogs and details, but as more than one of them mentioned, the immune system is a complicated thing.  The general description was that the immune system protects your body from outside invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins. 

OK, I kind of knew that.  And then they went off into TMI (too much information) and not even very understandable wording, at that.

Then it became clear that it is “bits and pieces” to go that route — like, “the top 5 immune boosting brands” or “Immune System:  Description, Function & Facts | Britannica” (again using the word “complex”) but the explanations were not helpful nor were there specific ways recommended for strengthening the immune system.

So I went to my “Go-To Guy” – Dr. Peter Glidden — at his website to which I subscribe.  I really love how he explains things and gives great metaphors plus illustrations.  He makes it so clear and does not leave you wondering what you need to do about the issue being discussed.

His video “Immune System Strengthening” did not disappoint – it really helped.  I will share some basics hoping it is as helpful to you as it was to me.

He also said the immune system is a very complicated subject.  But catch this picture he painted:

  • Our immune system is basically our digestive tract
  • It is the immune system’s job to protect the body from invaders – it is the Police Department of your body (woohoo!  I can understand that now)
  • When bacteria, virus, or creepy-crawly things find their way into the body – the immune system generates antibodies whose job is to “get rid of them”  (the antibody police)
  • It generates antibodies that are specifically for that invader 

OK, here is his cool picture for this – not a perfect metaphor but… — it is kind of like police driving down the road and they see a gang member (tattoos and colors identify with a known gang) and suspect more are around.  They grab and take hold of this gang member and call the SWAT team.  Yep – the antibodies in your immune system magically recognize foreign invaders – they are somehow attracted to the outer coat of that invader.  And the immune system produces an antibody that is specific to that invader.  The SWAT team is just what is needed for a full gang assault.  Get it?

So the antibody recognizes the foreign invader, sticks to it and somehow signals the rest of the immune system  (like the SWAT team) and all together these antibodies attack to kill the invader.  

Glidden’s video goes into much more detail about this because, as he explains, it is very complicated — and a “whole bunch of things can go wrong and break down”.  In fact, he says the only system more complicated than the immune system is the brain (and we all know how complicated that one is)!

So when attempting to have a healthy immune system, we just need to pay attention to the basics – which, as a fellow supporter of Youngevity supplements, I understand.  Glidden walks through the specific items and how to take them.  I have followed his recommendations and have the same respect for Dr. Wallach’s Youngevity products and recipes as Glidden has.

Glidden says, “you must secure and honor and support the foundation of health – 90 essential nutrients” which he says in 30 years of clinical experience, he has found this is the easiest way to build foundational health.

In concert with Wallach, Glidden says our bodies need 90 essential nutrients (60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 2 fatty acids) daily to keep our nutrition tank full enough to give us a foundation of health.  His analogy?  If your car runs out of gas or steering fluid, it doesn’t work so good, so you need to put into your car (body) what it needs.  

Plus, he reminds us that we have to also stop eating the foods that hurt or are bad for the body.  Staying in the “car analogy” – it is like putting 10 gallons of gas in your car and 10 gallons of diesel in the same tank.  If you do that, your car is going to break.  Same with the body.

He does add specifics that match the conversation I have had with so many who have been fighting flu, cold and similar difficulties.  

To the foundational 90 nutrients, add things – if you are having exposure to lots of cold & flu symptoms – there are strategies of what to add (he details the specific supplements).  Fill your nutritional tank and eliminate the bad diet and then you eat a diet that is high in protein and low in sugar. Why? Your immune system is made from protein. And the SWAT team has a member called macrophage that is “eating up” the bad guys.  But if there is too much sugar in the blood, the macrophage goes to sleep allowing the bacteria a window to feed and breed.  Too much sugar suppresses part of your immune system – it is like slashing the tires on the SWAT vehicle – it can’t go anywhere.

Yep – lots of details here, but I don’t want you to miss the point that there is help in strengthening your immune system with natural supplements –and it is not too complicated to understand them.

One of the main reasons I subscribe to Glidden’s website is that I can share it with others.  In a 48-hour window, I can give you access to his website to view this particular “Immune System” video – plus during that window, you can explore any other topics on his website.

In addition, I can share more about the specific recommendations Glidden makes because I do them and know the products he details.  They have worked well for me.  So if you are interested in knowing more, connect with me and I will share the website link and any other information you would like — click HERE to set up a time to connect which fits your schedule and mine. 

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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