As reported in the media, a ‘Super cold’ is now going around which is not COVID or the flu.  In fact, I was at a recent retreat in the mountains and more than one person was either experiencing it or just recently had it or felt like they were coming down with it.

So, being on “super alert”, the moment I felt some of the ‘sinus-filling-up’ symptoms plus a drippy nose, etc. – I went straight for my personal aid KIT I use in combating these.  

Instead of ignoring the early symptoms creeping up on me, I want to get a handle on it quickly.  My goal is to support my immune system to help me “head it off at the pass”.    And at the very least, make it a “light case” situation.

Yes, with this “super cold”, I felt my “KIT” helped me get through the worst in a few days.  It also helped me easily cope with the irritating lingering symptoms that wanted to stick around for the next several days.

An early email blog I did back in 2019 was on my “Cold & Flu Season Kit”.  So, why am I pulling it out again?  In the intervening years, I have learned how much it can help – and the handout I created needed a bit of updating.  

Originally, I used the Y-23 essential oil (which is one of the items in the kit) as I was taught – 

  • Apply a few drops to the palms
  • Rub them together
  • Form a mask with your hands over your nose and mouth
  • Breathe deeply

It was potent and worked beautifully, but it dissipated very quickly.  Even more of a problem was that if you touched your face or near your eyes, the intensity of the oil was a problem.   One of my grandkids touched her face when doing it and it was a very unpleasant experience – and MeMaw DOES NOT want to cause any grandkid unpleasantness, trust me!!

So, I transitioned to a plastic inhaler putting the oil on the cotton stick inside it – WAY better and easier to use.  Plus it lasted a long time.  And no harm done as grandkids applied it.

And then there was the time I was on an airplane, window seat, and the young lady in the middle seat was turning toward me multiple times while holding a magazine on the far side of her face and nose trying to block something, it seemed.  She had tears forming and running down her face, was sniffing and rubbing her nose, and was obviously having a problem.  

I asked.  She shared as quietly as she could.  The woman next to her had strong perfume which was causing her an allergic reaction.  Her nose was dripping and her sinuses were stuffing up and eyes watering.

I pulled out the Y-23 essential oil and doused a tissue with it and put the tissue in a small ziplock I had – then I shared it with her and suggested she breathe with the tissue in the bag close to her nose.  I warned her to not touch herself with the tissue.  

Within a minute, her sinuses were clearing and she was able to breathe more freely.  After a while the tears and dripping even stopped.  She, needless to say, was my new ‘best friend’.  I was so glad to be able to help.

In addition to the essential oil which opened up the breathing passages, I learned from Dr. Peter Glidden, a naturopath, in his book Attempt A Cure about colloidal silver.  He shared his cold protocol.  That included spraying colloidal silver up the nasal passages – 3 sprays to each nostril every 3 hours while awake.  It is amazing how much “sinus stuff” gets jarred loose doing this.  OK, I added this to my kit.

After buying nasal sprays, dumping the contents (does anyone remember the addiction problem with these sprays in the 80’s?) and washing out the containers, I learned I could buy inexpensive, pharma-quality empty sprayers and make it a lot easier on myself.

Then Dr. Glidden added another important item – it stems from his statement in his book that it is not the presence of the virus in the body which causes the common cold.  He says it is the body’s inability to deal with the stress of the virus that causes the common cold.  So, a weakened immune system is more of the problem than the virus.  

For this issue, he added a support item – it is a mushroom-based natural antibiotic extracted into a capsule.  Richard Renton, the quality-control guy who is on the scientific board at Youngevity, supported this addition.  He says when he feels he is coming down with something, he takes 1 capsule per hour.  I have adopted his recommendation.  Add that to the KIT.

Since I had great success using these items myself & with kids, grandkids (age 5 or older) and friends, I was led to create a KIT  — nothing fancy.  It all fits in a snack size ziplock bag.  

And, as I reported in the 2019 blog, I carry a spare “kit” with me to pass along to strangers or friends in trouble.  And yes, I even mailed one to a friend recently who was out-of-state and dealing with the Super cold stuff.  I learned to keep an extra KIT handy to give away so I am never without my own!! Just sayin’.

So, let me share my updated handout HERE – you can make your own “Cold Kit” (and a spare for those you are moved to help out during their misery).  

I encourage you to pull it together NOW – order what you need.  Be ready.  So, if at some point, you find that sniffling, drippy nose or stuffy sinus feeling creeping up on you, you are ready to take action.  

Instead of ignoring this until it is a full-blown problem impacting your life and your family and friends …. what if you could support your immune system to “head it off at the pass” or at least keep it from “side-lining” you for days on end? P.S.  If you would like to see the video where I demonstrate these items, click HERE to go to that older blog – warning, it is an older handout so use the one I attached in this blog.

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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