Joy is a choice?  Boy, that sure goes against the grain of our worldly thinking!

If you asked a dozen people if they would rather choose joy than it’s opposite, I bet they would all instantly say “of course” – as would I.

But think about the ads you see everywhere – “this will bring you relief/excitement/happiness”  etc.  Marketers know how tied we are to circumstances and they stand ready to fix ALL our circumstances, right?  Implication?  Fixing circumstances brings us joy.  But think about it, not real joy, just temporary relief – until the next circumstance shows up.  Right?

So why don’t we CHOOSE joy?   Aha! That is the real question.

How many times a day do you hear people complaining about their situation or circumstances and are seemingly in the pit of despair?  Or just in a gruff mood barking back at all who cross their path?  How many Eeyore’s do you know or encounter on a daily basis?  And how well do they recite their “horrible” circumstances – the ones that take the responsibility off their backs?  Just can’t control those circumstances.

Henry Blackaby gave me some insight on this in his recent devotion – 

Your joy as a Christian should not depend upon your circumstances.  Joy comes from God, and therefore it cannot be affected by what is outside of you.  

You know, as I think about it, I get it.  When I have responded to an “Eeyore” or dared asked why they are so despondent, the response is a litany of circumstances that are negative or difficult.  And sometimes just one major circumstance is cited.

I did write a blog about this — What’s Blocking My Joy? – Candy McCune    and listed the things that “robbed” people of joy.  It is in the scripture at  Philippians 4,  but I reduced them to an acronym CWTC to remember it.  And I turned it into a sentence – “Can’t Wait Til Christmas” so it would make me smile since I so love Christmas.  

What did CWTC stand for?  Conflict – Worry – Thought Life – Contentment level.   I explained each a bit more, but you get the drift.  These are circumstance-driven items.  But “contentment level” can be a choice.

OK, Blackaby, lay it on me.  Here was his outline:

True joy comes from:

  • Knowing that God Himself lives within me
  • Knowing that God has fellowship with me regardless of my environment 
  • Knowing that God has completely forgiven me of every one of my sins
  • Remembering that God has a home prepared for me in heaven where I can spend eternity with Him

Before I spit out “yeah, yeah, I know all that”, Blackaby gives me an example, a humbling one.

Paul and Silas in prison – one of the most difficult circumstances imaginable (certainly for me so hard to imagine having to face, but hey, it’s possible).  They were:

  • Falsely accused
  • Arrested
  • Imprisoned
  • Beaten
  • Shackled in the darkest, coldest part of the prison (yes, biblical times prison, not at all like our current facilities)

Yet, they refused to let these horrendous circumstances dampen their joy.  They did not blame God – far from it.  They praised Him for his goodness!!  They prayed and sang.  

And you remember correctly – God brought a miracle that released them from their chains.  Yet Blackaby points out the greater miracle was that His Holy Spirit could fill them even in their painful imprisonment so that they overflowed with joy!

Told you how humbled I was just being reminded of this story and the truth behind it.  But I was even more humbled as I thought about the “rest of the story”.  How Paul and Silas conducted themselves as the “miracle” happened.  It resulted in the jailer and his family coming to belief in God and being baptized.  (read the full story at Acts 16:25)

Not only does choosing joy change you inside and out, God can use it (and you) mightily!

Yes, I said “choosing” joy – the joy of knowing we are a child of God – no matter what circumstances are showing up.  It is a choice which will allow God’s Spirit to be in us.  Blackaby calls it choosing to allow His Spirit to fill us with His “unquenchable joy”.

And the icing on the cake?  Blackaby reminds us that our life will be a miracle to those who watch us face the trials that come.  

I think I have chosen to try in hard circumstances to remember “Christmas” and that will take me to identifying the circumstances that are robbing me of my joy – then refusing to let that happen by focusing on the “Christmas” joy of Christ’s birth and adoption of me as His Child!

So, how will you get yourself to “choose” joy when difficult or overwhelming circumstances come your way?  I would love to hear from you – there are many creative souls out there!

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