Maybe it is just because I have been working on the revised Life-Story course about to be released.  But I am acutely aware of the aging issue. 

 In looking back over my 75+ years as have done my own “review” and guiding others to write their stories, pull together their photos, memories, insights and life-shaping experiences – their journey – I have come to agree with an article posted by Susan Jeffers.  She said:

The allegories about aging need to be changed.  What is more depressing than the idea of life going from spring to summer to autumn to winter?  What could be more bleak than contemplating ‘the winter of our lives’.

In the article she talks about how crazy it is to call someone old when they are full of experience and full of life.  I love how she flipped this thinking.  She explained that young people are so bogged down with the heaviness of inexperience.  Everything is a crisis and so much is serious and black.  

Her summary – “aging, thankfully, brings with it an openness, a blooming, a richness of spirit.  Certainly, the older I get the more spring-like I feel…and it shows!”  

OK – just a little reality check.  Don’t know how old she is, but my body reminds me that there is a continuing aging going on.  But I love that my mind and spirit can still bring a “spring-like” feel to my speech and thinking.

Of course, I had to check out my great devotional author, Henry Blackaby, and his take.  He did not disappoint.  He shared:

The beauty in the way God designed the four seasons is that, though each one is distinct, they all work together to bring life and growth.  Spring is a period of freshness and new life.  Summer sees growth and productivity.  Autumn is a time for harvesting the rewards of past labors.  Winter is the season of dormancy and closure.  Each season has its own unique beauty and makes a significant contribution to life. 

Then he made the transition from God’s plan for seasons in nature to stating that God planned seasons in life as well.  I thought, okay, here it comes – I am in the winter, aka “end” season of my life.  

But not!  He lifted my heart when he shared that while sometimes winter brings hardship, we remain hopeful — for another spring is just around the corner!  I loved that circular picture.  

His scripture reference was Ecclesiastes 3:1  “There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven.”

But the most hopeful part was in v. 11b-12   “He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live.”

Well that sure fits what has been happening as I, and others, examine our lives – what has happened, how it has impacted them, what life-shaping events and times have been experienced in their journey.  And doing that reflection plus memorializing it in a Life-Story photobook brings us to the same conclusion as the above passage.

God’s people find meaning in life when they cheerfully accept it from the hand of God.  And a ‘looking back’ perspective helps us see His hand.

I could not say it better than Blackaby –

In God’s perfect design for our lives, He has planned for times of fruitfulness and activity.  He will also build in times of quiet and rest.  There will be times when He asks us to remain faithful doing the same work day after day.  But there will also be periods of excitement and new beginnings.  By God’s grace, we will enjoy seasons of harvesting the fruit of our faithfulness.  By God’s grace, we will also overcome the cold winters of heartache and grief, for without winter there would be no spring.

Ah, yes, I LOVE that phrase “without winter there would be no spring.”  Not making “winter” the sign of aging and the “last” season of life – that makes me happier.  And feels more truthful.  

And I do embrace the scripture that says “your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  Psalm 139:16  I will trust the Lord for the days He has assigned me – I don’t have to keep watching for signs and worrying about the slowing down when I see them.  God is in charge.

We can be certain, as Blackaby pointed out, that just as it is with the seasons of nature, these seasons in our lives work together to bring about God’s perfect will for each one of us.  

May you celebrate along with me each season as it comes along – and watch for the “significant contribution” to our lives that God provides with each season.

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