Restoring Relationships

Find the peace & joy of God in yourself and your relationships through spiritual coaching & Christian mediation

I'm Okay

Why just Survive,

when you could Thrive?

Sometimes we get so used to ignoring or denying the signs that we don’t even realize we have a relationship problem! This is called masking. When we are more interested in ignoring or avoiding unpleasant people or situations than in resolving differences, we almost always end up drowning in bitterness and regret. We don’t know that feeling better about or even changing the relationship is possible. But it IS possible, and it’s easier to reach peace with regard to that relationship than you think; let us show you how »

Wondering How Well You Are Managing Your Conflict?

What if you could STRENGTHEN your relationships BEFORE they fracture?

What if you had TOOLS to listen and speak well when relationships become strained?

What if you learned how to RESOLVE DIFFERENCES instead of ignoring or avoiding unpleasant situations or people?

What if PEACE IS POSSIBLE in your relationships?

What would you do to get there?

If you’re ready to grasp the tools you need to STRENGTHEN all kinds of relationships, join our 6-week STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIP LAB

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✔️ Ask Questions

✔️ Gain Tools

✔️ Get the Coaching you Need In an online Group Setting

This 6-week coaching lab is designed to answer your privately submitted questions in a small online group format
(no personal details required or shared).

We are ready to help you walk through these questions and give you tools and resources to help you find peace in your relationships.

During this 6-week lab, you’ll get answers you didn’t even know you needed!

You’ll privately submit questions and topics about which you want more information and help.

Every week we will jump on a zoom and walk through answering those questions and sharing on your requested topics.

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Our individual mediation and arbitration services are over $250/hr, but this coaching lab is just $147 – for 6 weeks!

Find the peace of mind God desires for you, and let us help you get there in your relationships.

Ready to Jump in?

About Our Team

Ann and Candy have worked together as co-conciliators as well as regularly serving as advisors for each other through many years of Alternative Dispute Resolution work. They are excited to be together in this online presence serving as Coaches, Mediators and Arbitrators for Christians caught in the struggle of a conflict or dispute and needing assistance.

What’s a conciliator? It is someone who serves as a facilitator in mediation work (Mediator) and a decision-maker in arbitration work (Arbitrator) and an advisor, guide, and Christian friend in coaching work (Coach).

They have learned that the best way to identify if they are able to help and give the inquiring person a chance to assess the options available to them is to have a Free Interview (of about 45 minutes) to explore the opportunities and options.

Ann's Bio

Over 33 years of legal and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) experience were gained while I have been licensed and practiced law before the bench and jury in six states, four federal jurisdictions and courts of appeal. Two of my cases have gone to the Delaware Supreme Court and one to the U.S. Supreme Court. In the past, I have been recognized in various forums as a distinguished litigator, experienced mediator, settlement consultant and arbitrator of small and complex matters. My credentials also include certifications in Biblical Counseling, Trauma Informed Advocacy, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Christian Conciliation. Most recently AOR certified me as a Professional Christian Reconciler and Coach. Over the years, I have served as mediator/arbitrator for numerous Christian organizations and families.

My ADR and Conciliation Focus Areas are: Business, church, non-profit, personal injury, medical and professional liability, real estate, products liability, employment, estate settlements, contract issues, settlement disputes, and court-sponsored programs.


Candy's Bio

Candace (Candy) McCune is an attorney in Colorado who specialized in family law. Candace has extensive litigation experience in all aspects of insurance defense, as well as general litigation, practicing law since 1987. Since 2006, she has limited her practice to mediation and arbitration. She was a founding board member and served as initial Executive Director of Conciliation Ministries of Colorado – a non-profit which focused on Christian dispute resolution and education. A Mentor and Instructor for Peacemaker Ministries for many years, she also is a past member of Christian Legal Society (serving on the national Board as well as volunteering at the local legal aid clinic). More recently she served on a Group Reconciliation Assistance team with AoR which helped inspire her to create an online conflict coaching and mediation presence. She is a Certified Christian Conciliator with the Institute of Christian Conciliation and is a Certified Christian Reconciler (2019) with Relational Wisdom 360. Her driving force toward Christian mediation and arbitration was seeing the pain and anger of litigants becoming the focus and driving force in disputes; and the court system has no way to address anything but substantive/dollar issues – not relationships, apologies or forgiveness. It has been her privilege to serve in hundreds of mediations and many arbitrations watching God work in people’s lives in a redemptive, restorative way. It is her desire to be identified entirely with God’s interest in others as they are faced with conflict and needing Him in their lives, in their hearts, in their souls.