Uncle George, Trust and a Truck

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Great scripture, easy to read and understand, but how does it really work in our daily lives?

As we view our national picture right now, our health situation, the impact on our lives and livelihoods — there is so much that we never imagined a year ago…trusting in the Lord is not so easy.

And I see this same difficulty appear as I walk alongside Christians trying to navigate through broken relationships (with the Lord or with others) and times of conflict.

Trusting God…what does that look like? …really & specifically? …in times that are hard?

The best illustration for me came in a story from a friend as we discussed this very problem—here’s how she shared it:

I was talking to my Uncle George the other day about all this.

He seems to follow the Lord with perfect peace, and I asked him how he did it.

He said, “When John [his son] was about three, I got a brand new pickup truck. If I had an errand to run or needed to go into town for any reason and I asked John if he wanted to come along, he said ‘Sure, Dad!’ and he ran out to the truck.

He didn’t ask if we had enough gas or if the tire pressure was good; he didn’t ask about the weather, how long we’d be gone, or where we were going. He just wanted to be with his daddy and go for a ride.

That’s how I am with Jesus.

But there’s one other thing: John had to be humbled if he wanted to come with me. He would have preferred to stand up on the front seat next to me, but he had to ride strapped in a car seat.

If we want to follow the Lord, we have to be willing to be humbled.

I love the clarity (and humility) his story brought me. May it bless you as well – especially if you are dealing with any conflict in your life!

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