What’s My Wellness Paradigm?

As I am developing the Journey Well: Heart, Body & Soul website, I have identified the 3 areas of transformation that are my focus.

The first one that inspired me to start down this road is the Body (or Health) area. Following my photo hobby, I just happened to end up involved in a “health and wellness” company (Youngevity) in order to get my hobby supplies and tools. Boy, did I have a surprise ahead of me!

If you had asked me what my health challenges were at that time, I would have said I had none, I was fine. Really!

What I was doing was taking 10-12 ibuprofen daily which “took care of” the arthritic pain in my thumbs and hand joints (which had made it hard to grip a pen and write). After all, the orthopedic surgeon had told me I needed a joint replacement on my right hand, but since I could only have one, I needed to wait as long as I could before doing it.

And I was on baby aspirin via my M.D.’s direction to thin my blood since I years before had an eye blacking out monthly. He had said that was an early sign of TIA’s (mini-strokes). I just tried to not get irritated by the frequent nosebleeds prompted by the aspirin which were hard to stop.

These “fixes” I later realized were actions that “masked” my underlying health issues.

Lack of energy? Sluggish in the morning upon waking up? These and other body changes I just dismissed as things to be expected as I got older. Not much I can do about them….right?

Based on other photo-folks sharing their positive response to the Youngevity supplements, I decided to just “give it a try”.

Luckily, I stayed consistent in taking them and I quickly had positive and dramatic body responses to them… I was truly “blown away” by what happened. That hugely motivated me to dig deep and learn more about Youngevity and nutritional supplements.

But here is where it got me started down this website path:  I would share my story of what happened to me and folks would say “wow, what was it you did?” and want to know more.

Sadly, these next difficulties showed up and got in the way:

  • I was so excited about my good experience that I shared way too much, way too strongly and with way more detail than people could take in (overwhelming them)
  • If people went to the website, it was a sales site and they got lost trying to figure out how to sign up or get the right supplements among so many options (more overwhelm)
  • If they got the supplements, they got sidelined trying to get started taking them due to a lack of guidance or support to help them embed a supplement program in their daily life over a sufficient period of time to experience noticeable changes
  • Their questions went unanswered so they gave up too quickly or never got started — therefore, they couldn’t experience what I had enjoyed.

But perhaps the biggest difficulty was in shifting the “paradigm” which Dr. Joel Wallach has pioneered in creating Youngevity’s foundational “90forLife” supplement package.

Steve Wallach, his son and CEO of Youngevity, did a blog on this. (you can see the full blog HERE) Below is the summary illustration of the biggest block I have seen occur as I share with others the benefit of Youngevity’s nutritional supplements.

The Swiss watch is the example he used. Soon after the first pocket watch was down-sized to become the “Watch Wristlet” in the 1890s, the Swiss became the gold standard in this product market. It was the paradigm of wristwatches for more than 70 years.

Then in the mid-1960s Switzerland discovered quartz crystal technology — more accurate, smaller, lighter, and cheaper. It lasted longer because it had none of the mechanical challenges in previous watches.

Yet it was the Japanese manufacturer Seiko that seized on its massive potential. It pioneered the new paradigm, quickly making the quartz watch (“Made in Japan”) the most affordable, accurate wristwatches.

Steve pointed out that in much the same way, his father, Dr. Joel Wallach, shifted the medical establishment’s paradigm — particularly its treatment of disease with surgery and drugs.

He challenged this status quo (think Swiss Watch) with a “radical” common sense approach of diet and nutrition (think Japanese quartz watch), which he presented in his mega-best-selling lecture and book, Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.

His message? Our soil in which our food is grown is depleted – thus our food provides insufficient minerals and vitamins. And everyone needs 90 essential nutrients daily going into their body. These nutrients are in the foundational 3-item Youngevity product called the Healthy Body Start Pak.

Plus, Dr. Wallach agrees with Dr. Linus Pauling (theoretical physical chemist holding two unshared Nobel Prizes) who said “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency”.

So many folks have been unable to shift their paradigm regarding sickness, disease and ailments away from the M.D. allopathic paradigm of surgery and drugs (and insurance covering the payment of such) to Dr. Wallach’s paradigm of wellness in those categories being related to the nutrients in his supplements.

The goal in my soon-to-be-launched website in the Body (Health) section is to clarify and simplify the above blocks and paradigm shifts for those open to receiving the benefit of Dr. Wallach’s nutrient supplementation. As he has stated it — living younger longer.

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition. Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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