Why Collagen Doesn’t Work & Ages You Faster

Yeah…bet that got your attention!   It sure did catch me when I saw it as the headline in my email from a health site.

But as I read on – it really fit and made sense.  And was quite clever….so I am shamelessly copying their super idea here.   The first line asked if you have read the rave reviews about collagen lately and pointed out it is all over the news.  And that is not surprising given the following…

— 75% of your skin is made of this age-defying nutrient – if you’re deficient, your skin looks worse and becomes less protective against foreign microbes…

— 70-80% of your joints and tendons are made from collagen – if you’re lacking, you can feel those creaks and pops all the time and experience needless discomfort…

— 90% of your bones are made of collagen – if you don’t have enough, fractures and breaks can happen with more frequency…

— Your gut depends on collagen – if you are lacking collagen, your intestinal wall can tear and leak, causing rather unenjoyable digestive discomfort…

— Even your hair and nails are mostly collagen – and we all want that silky, youthful look that only a collagen-rich head of hair and strong nails can give us!

And even more important given our past Covid year….

Collagen is vital to a healthy immune system. Nearly 80% of your immune power is actually in your gut…collagen is one of your belly’s best friends. Never has that been more important! 

Then the health site email focused in on the “fear factor” pointing out that as you age, you produce less collagen year by year….less than half by middle age.  And this depletion accelerates the older you get…unless you do something about it.

So at this point, their headline was not matching the info and I was confused. 

Then the question was posed – “so I should just take a collagen supplement, right?”  And their answer was a shocking “Not so fast”.

And my sliver of understanding began to creep in when I saw this statement:

This is the #1 thing you need to take away from this letter…and by far the most important lesson that science has revealed about collagen:  

Most collagen is “missing”.

They were so right when they said that if you buy a collagen supplement at the health food store, chances are it has only one type of collagen.  And that just doesn’t work.

And they pointed out what I had learned a few years back from Youngevity’s Richard Renton (the quality control guy) —  your skin, joints, tendons, gut, bones, nails and hair…need five types!  You need Collagen types I, II, III, V and X…

…and the health site called these “missing collagens” because they are nowhere to be found in most collagen supplements.  In fact, they said it was rare to find more than one!

Well, WOOHOO, I had been taking YGY’s Collagen Peptides for some time now and so appreciated what it did for me – and once again realized that Youngevity “did it right”. 

This health site article confirmed what I heard from Richard Renton and Joanne Conaway at the Youngevity conference when Collagen Peptides was introduced a few years back.  First, all 5 types are needed, plus the quality of the ingredients was hugely important as well.

Going from memory here, but I know Richard Renton talked about searching all over the US for grass-fed and good quality beef collagen but what he found was disappointing.  The sources could not even guarantee what type of animal they pulled the collagen from much less if it was grass-fed, etc.   My memory is that Renton said they found what they needed in a South American country. 

The label for Youngevity Collagen Peptides confirms “grass-fed beef, fish, cage-free chicken, and eggshell membrane”.  But I remember sitting at that workshop amazed at what I was hearing from Renton — the lengths they went to for the sourcing and production of the Collagen Peptides. 

My point?  The same as this health site company:  when people buy supplements at a health food store or off the shelf what they think they need (like “just collagen”), there is a lot more to the “recipe” for an effective supplement than just the ingredient you heard about from news and various places. 

Ask Dr. Glidden – he has a whole teaching on this.  And he outlines the standards he has for approving a supplement – plus points out that not only is the item advertised on the label of “off the shelf” items unverifiable and often not truly present as represented, in some tests there is “none” of the advertised item in it.

So….back to the Collagen types I, II, III, V and X.  Both Youngevity and this company have labels saying all the types are in their product.  And you may be pleasantly surprised at this:  YGY’s is less expensive per gram! 

But the interesting piece is that YGY’s dose amount is higher than the other.  Yet, I know the YGY amount is right for me.  How? – as my nutritionist measured it based on her calibrated computer model, she said I could take less.   I tried it.  The difference was noticeable (in a negative way).  So I went back to the amount YGY recommended. 

Trust is the key—as I have said in other blogs.  And I trust YGY – plus the results are showing me that I am getting the collagen I need.  Wasn’t it Reagan who said that?  I think so…”Trust but verify.”  I have adopted that perspective in my supplement usage.

Am praying this helps you be a more informed and information-based (and healthy) consumer.

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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