My blog rotates between the topical focus of HEART (photos & memories), BODY (physical) and SOUL (spiritual).  It is based on Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” 

Because we are multi-faceted beings, each area is of importance to us.  And healing in one area often impacts the other areas.

So my last BODY blog (a few weeks ago) was alerting you to the importance of collagen – the all-important “glue” which is found throughout our body.  

After my blog was out, with collagen on my mind, I realized a couple of things I failed to share – items important to those on my blog that are closer to my end of the age spectrum (late 70’s).  I then did a little research and learned that this problem also impacts much younger folks! 

Quick reminder – collagen is a protein which is responsible for the health of our joints as well as our skin elasticity and nail health — and it resides in our muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bones and even blood.  All of those areas of our body play incredibly important roles for our health.

The problem?  According to Jill Levy (and other bloggers on this subject), once we reach our 30s and 40s, nearly all women and men produce LESS COLLAGEN.  That means lower levels of collagen contribute to “normal signs of aging” – fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin as well as impacts to the hair, joints and the gut.  Surprised the aging starts so young?  So was I!

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard from “aging” women when they are talking about nutrition with me, “if you find anything that helps with thinning hair, let me know”.  

Well, as the Healthline blogger Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD explained “collagen may help improve your hair by providing amino acids and helping to fight damaged hair follicles.  It may also slow down thinning and greying.”  She pointed out that collagen supplements are available to help plus many good supplements have already broken down the collagen making it easier to absorb.

And then I thought about the “nail” issue – I forgot to mention my own experience when I shared with you that I consistently use a collagen supplement.  I have always had soft nails, ones that tear easily and sometimes split down to the quick.  That changed as I started adding a collagen supplement to my routine.  The support it provided for my nails has been happily amazing.  And yes, it takes a while for the support to begin to show – but I am a happy camper.

So I will renew, and re-emphasize, the importance of adding a collagen supplement to your routine.  The one I use has a berry taste that is great hot or cold – and it gives a nice break from “just water”.  You can check out the details and options (there is more educational material at this site, also) at  Collagen Products – Health & Nutrition (

Why did I say our body “speaks”?  It is sending us a message through the changes to our skin, hair, nails along with the joints and gut health.  Not desirable changes but thankfully, ones that may respond well to a collagen supplement.

But let me share another of my favorite source’s info that is aimed toward positive health steps you can implement in your life.  Isabel D. Price (New Life Promise blogger) very often says to women “Changes in your hair and nail quality is an indicator of changes in your health.”

She explains that when your body is not getting the nutrients it needs, the first place it will “steal” nutrients from is your hair and nails (awful but true).  Her perspective is that it is a protective mechanism in the body where your body sees other internal functions as more important than growing your hair and nails, so it shuttles any good nutrients to organs, bones and muscles.

Here are her top 3 recommendations she gives to people if they say they are experiencing increased hair loss or have seen a change in their hair texture and nail quality:

  1.  Ensure you are properly hydrated – dehydration she says is one of the leading causes of dry hair – making it weak with greater likelihood of falling out.  Yep – her suggestion is drink ½ your bodyweight in ounces of water each day.  (my note:  I often hear people say they are cutting back on water intake so they don’t have to seek out a bathroom so often – sorry, this is just not a healthy habit.)
  2. Eat a sufficient amount of protein and healthy fat every single day – she says this is one of the most common reasons women experience increased hair growth and better hair and nail quality when first beginning her New Life Promise meal plans.  (this statement of hers makes my heart sing – I love protein and healthy fats.)
  3. Include forms of collagen into each day – she says this is one of the very few supplements she recommends in the Food Meets Faith manual – a collagen supplement.  And yes, she makes the point it needs to be a “high-quality collagen supplement”.  

I also love that Isabel marries Food with Faith – making my point about healing in one area flowing over to help in other areas of our life.OK, ‘nuff said.  Just wanted to clearly respond to our bodies’ communication —  is yours calling for collagen?

Food and dietary supplement products sold by Youngevity are intended to contribute to the daily diet and overall health and are not intended for use in the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of any disease or health-related condition.  Individuals who have or suspect they have an illness or who wish to commence a diet or exercise program should consult an appropriately licensed health care practitioner for a medical history evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and health recommendations.

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